24 thoughts on “Check that Spam mail! You may be rich, and not know it. It’s on the Internet, so it must be true.

  1. HAHAHA!! “It may cause me my job.” My “good friend,” if it indeed causes you your job, you DESERVE it!!! Hilarious, Ron. My spam folder is full of same!! It is to laugh, thanks!!

  2. LOL oh wow. He made it look so official but ruined it by putting his picture on the bottom. ha ha ha. I’m surprised he didn’t ask for some postage money to get it sent to you. ha.
    Too bad there are crooks like that out there. Yep, someone may fall for it.

  3. I am never surprised that some people fall for such crap, Ron. Greed is God, in the western world, after all.
    P. S. Please send me a million, when you get your riches. I have two children in iron lungs, and my mother needs a head transplant.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  4. I’m sorry to inform you that I’ve already responded to Mr. Powell and I expect to receive the Two Metal Trunk Boxes (I think the uppercase makes it more legitimate) shortly. I guess you’ll just have to respond sooner next time.

  5. This is hilarious, Ron! I used to get mails from a Nigerian prince, but am sadly now off his list. I could have been a rich princess if I’d played my cards right!

    1. Sorry, somehow I missed your comment. My notifications are so messed up. Maybe I can use some of that money after all, to get a better server? Thanks, and hope you see you again.

    1. Some people are really gullible, It’s a sad fact, but very true. Spammers, should be jailed, they are a waste of bandwidth. Thanks for visiting and commenting! I appreciate it.

    1. Yes, it is sad to know people out there like that. I have sister-in-law, that would forward those emails to me, so I could get the $10 off my Verizon account, if I sent it to 5 other people. Sad.

      1. Omg! No one has received the money yet. I just got the email this morning. I might have room in my sheshed, or the mister’s mancave.

        1. I need to clean out my closet Kay, never know when another offer will come along. I guess I could empty the other 3 trunks of money, into just one trunk and make more room.

          Thanks for the comment, have a nice Friday night.

  6. I have already replied to this rich person’s email … it is funny but can I try to think positively, maybe he wants to be friends ,, hahahha

    1. Yes, Efrizal. It is always nice to keep an open mind, I love making friends, but I’m pretty sure this one was after some money. Besides, I just don’t have room for another trunk in my closet. 🙂

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