Sitting here, waiting to see how bad the winds might get. The rain is picking up a little, and a light breeze swaying the trees. It’s darker outside that the cameras show. But they are built for low light conditions as well, so they ramp up the exposure where they can.
Predictions of 39mph winds, which we’ve seen in thunderstorms around here, but there may be some shingles that go AWOL. I’m live streaming from here all day, so if it gets worse, or something really bad happens, we may have a record of it. I’m hoping the trees hold up, given their record of losing large branches lately, I’m a wee bit nervous about today.
Plenty of traffic outside for a big storm headed this way. Of course most of it can be attributed to our crazy county education system, thinking it would be safe to send kids to school today. Many other counties cancelled school for today.
Stay safe, if you’re in the path of this storm. I’ll be around.
PS: In 2020. Covid-19, Near War, Asteroids fly-by, Riots, Hurricane in Alabama.
“Who the hell, is playing Jumanji!” Please stop.
Stay safe, Ron and Michelle!
We will, Magic. Thanks.
Don’t forget the wildfires and murder hornets. Stay safe!
I knew I was missing something! Thanks for the comment Janis.
I hope you are spared the worst, Ron. We regularly get 35-45 mph winds here, and they rarely break branches.
Best wishes to you both, Pete.
It’s been dry for the most part here, the trees are not in the best of shape. They need to have them trimmed of the dangerous ones that are prone to break. Thanks, Pete. We are getting reports of trees down in some areas. The wind has picked up some, about 15 to 25 mph so far.
I was grateful that we sold our Gulf Shores lot a few years ago. We figured it was impossible to predict when the sand would be washed away. Ugly scenes from there today.
I bet you are, Elizabeth. That area is not stable enough to invest in. I’m surprised people can get insurance for things down there right on the coast area. But of course, we know who pays for all the damage. Glad you weren’t there this time.
My brothers-in-law wouldn’t sell, so we traded. They are STILL holding out for more money.
Sometimes, you can hold onto anything, till it loses value and then you’re stuck.
We did try to tell them that, but they are pretty headstrong.
Hope you are both tucked in safe and sound and not too much rockin’ and rollin’ of your home is going on Ron. We had 39 mph winds here about 5 years ago and a big gust split my neighbor’s Bradford Pear in half and made my shed tumble across the backyard. My father never put a rat wall in it. I had just had the handyman shore it up the year before. It needed some roof work and it got a fresh coat of paint with trim to match the house and it tumbled across the yard and broke apart like it was a house of cards. I had just head the weather report when the phone rang and my neighbor called and said look outside. The webcam looks calm. Stay safe.
That is so sad to see something destroyed that you work hard on. We were extremely lucky. The bands from Sally rotate up to us, the intense storm cells melted back into just rain, as they came within 25 miles of us. We had a little wind, but I don’t think it ever reached above 20-25mph at ground level. Had it been any worse, we would have had damage. The trees were saturated with water, and the ground softened by the rain. There were trees down on many county roads, but nothing here. I have leaves plastered to the outside walls, as if some jokey stuck them there for fun. The wind must have been steady to do that.
Glad you escaped unscathed Ron. I worry a lot with each projected volatile storm due to old trees around the neighborhood in the street behind me. This year we have had countless torrential rains, which are often all-day soakers – one recent rain yielded four inches in one morning. We’ve not had a normal, gentle rain, just these big rainstorms. I worry the saturated ground will topple trees.
I must be living right. They were toppling all around us within half a mile, but these stayed put.We didn’t even get a big limb down.
You are living right – glad to hear that. We get tornadoes in Michigan but none had been close to where I live. Last year we had three small tornadoes touch down, one five miles away, one about 10 or so miles. Too close for comfort.
Glad you are safe!
Not sure why my comment says from “Anonymous?” Anyway its Animals Are Feeling Beings Too.
Not sure why when I reply from the dashboard, sometimes they don’t make it in here. I guess all replies I’ll do from the actual blog post from now on. This is crazy, but thanks so much for the comment.
Yikes, I’m 6 days late, I hope and trust you survived Sally none the worse for wear – except a few ‘AWOL shingles’ as you put it, LOL, I’m still laughing over that one! I imagine it was very soggy, was watching weather reports for all of N. America. Hope all has dried out now! ?
We’re dried out now Ellie. Of course, I could cook an egg on my head I’m so hot and mad. I know I replied to your post, but did so from the dashboard, so naturally it didn’t make it to the post for whatever amazing reason.
It was amazing that we didn’t lose any shingles. As soon as we can, we are going to get this place roofed. That or staple a bunch of raincoats from the thrift stores up there. I think a bright yellow roof, should look pretty cool.
OH don’t you hate that?! Disappearing posts/comments/replies, I sympathize!
Re your yellow roof-to-come, I look forward to spotting it when flying over your Alabama homestead on my way to wherever! 😀