Grown up to childlike in 0.75 seconds… Go!

Okay, so I’m bored at times while I sit here in the Forum Office and just think. Michelle says I’m dangerous when I think and that I shouldn’t do it too often. She sometimes sneaks up and closes the office door lest I share some of my crazy brain concoctions with her or the Dog.

I fill the silence of the day with a radio scanner. I have it set to listen to the law-scanerenforcement contingent in the area, and the FRS (Family Radio Service). You know, those cute little radios you can buy at Wal-Mart and other places to communicate to one another while on trips or at the Mall with the kids etc. It seems that the Dollar General about 2 hundred yards down the road uses them for the employees. The school about 100 yards in the other direction use them.

If you ever want to witness grown adults going from adulthood to childhood in about 0.75 seconds, which is the average reaction time from deciding on an action (pressing the talk button) and execution, listen to the FRS radio frequency in your area. Teachers, employees get goofy when they think they have a toy and no one hears them.
redneckfireworksThe best one is apparently the Power Plant some 3 miles away as the crow flies. Now if it went “boom” it is said it could wipe out a good chunk of real estate around it.

Imagine the scary chuckle I hear when someone says, “Hey Joe, I just checked this thing-a-muh-jig with the pressure reading and It looks high but I don’t understand it so you need to check it.” Or, “Hey, I need someone down here to look at this valve that seems to be spraying some caustic type of fluid.”  Of course some of the Dollar General radio conversations are quite funny also.

Nothing like cheap entertainment. Comments welcome.


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