How much weirdness, can one weekend hold. (Trailer Park Life)

We started this weekend on Friday. Call it, a three-day weekend. After things being so quiet for nearly a month, everything seemed to arrive, or happen, in the last three days. Sorry it’s long, I even left some out, to reduce the reading.

I felt sorry for the young lady

Friday mid-morning, I see a medium-sized dog out near the fence, it is one of those “cattle dogs” I call them, very pretty, with a multi-colored long hair coat, two different color eyes. It was dragging its lease behind it. I asked our good neighbor if she knew the owner. She directed me to a trailer 3 doors down. When I arrived there, another neighbor let the dog inside the dog owners trailer. As I was leaving, a decent looking, newer model car pulled up, there was a nice truck parked there as well. A female of about age 22 exited from the drivers side, and a good sized country boy came rushing out of the passenger side, with his belt in his hand, screaming he’ll kill that F*ing dog. Apparently, he is an unhappy individual.

Neither one of them look like they belong here, probably just starting out in life with this rental. The girl is running behind him telling him to stop. As he rushed past me, intent on beating his dog, my first thought was to say something. Then I reminded myself, I am 65 years old, and the young man may injure himself while beating me to a squishy pulp. Only option I would have to stop the beating, would be to shoot him, to survive, and that would be really noisy. I did stand around on the roadway listening. Had he started beating the dog, I would’ve called the county, and had him put in jail for the weekend. I felt sorry for the young lady. He probably knocks her around too.

The Roofer? Seems the local law knows him.

I spoke of the moonlighting roofer we hired, to repair the roof. He had not shown up by late Saturday morning(his third day), and when I checked by calling his number, he had gotten two tickets the night before while leaving here, no tag light, no insurance. Then his tire blew out, so he was trying to locate a used tire.  I wondered why he would be stopped for just a tag light in these parts. Seems the local law knows him, 2 time prison inmate, (rape and theft). Plus the fact that the vehicle he is driving, is some type of older Ford Bronco. I can’t really tell, as there are not enough parts on it, to make a good guess. I had not noticed it parked on the street till this day. You feel as if you need a Tetanus shot to stand close to it. True, he didn’t have any tag-light, he also didn’t have much front end, the moon-roof was totally missing, and parts here and there were gone. Two tires had wire visibly protruding from the tire, I was afraid if I stared too hard, one of them might pop. I wanted to get a picture of it, but not be rude. Only in Alabama, can you drive a vehicle that drops parts, as it goes.

Bet you won’t do that again…

We had company over, and wound up parking our vehicle out further in the yard. When everyone left, I was too lazy to move the car. Apparently, before daylight, someone decided to take a shortcut through the yard this morning, and ran over the huge railroad tie that I border the yard with. I think it probably was the lady that comes by at 6am to meet the school bus, and fusses because we stopped her from cutting through the yard. It had to be a shock, driving over something that size in the dark.



A haunted riding mower?

David, who most of you know as the handy man for the park, came by, just in time for his faithful transport, to die out in the yard. So you finally get to see a picture of the mower with no real muffler, and not many parts either. After taking the picture, I had to laugh to myself. There in the picture, next to the rear wheel, is what many call an “orb”, maybe it was the mowers spirit leaving it. He named it “The Boss” which he has on the side of the hood.  I politely declined his offer to re-do the patching he applied to the roof. He was complaining that the law was threatening to jail him, if he continued to ride on the highway to the store.

You’ll have to speak up. I can’t hear you over the chewing.

The daughter, of the gentleman we are buying the trailer from, dropped by to see if Michelle could check her son’s ear that was hurting him. Now this is the 16-year-old kid that loves YouTube. Nice kid, a little challenged, but polite. I guess since Michelle helps people with their animals when they need something simple, or advice, they thought she could maybe see something. After all, not many people keep an Otoscope handy.

Michelle starts looking in his left ear, remarking about how clogged up it was, with wax. As she moves around to the right  ear, she is suggesting his mother take him to a doctor and get them cleaned right. About that time, Michelle squeals and utters a couple choice words. She has discovered something black, actually moving, inside beyond a wax encrusted area. Michelle says there are also little holes that appear to have been eaten out of the canal wall, like insects do wood.

The boy is calm, as if someone had remarked about a dirty spot on his face.  He comes over to where I am sitting on the couch, to show me the millionth YouTube video. The only thing going through my mind, was a scene from a Star Trek movie, where they put some big slug looking worm in Kirk’s ear. Meanwhile, Michelle ls telling the mother, that they might want to get him to the ER, or to a doctor as soon as possible, to avoid damage to the ear drum by whatever it is.

The mother says she will take him maybe tomorrow. Now this occurred Friday night, it is now Monday morning. I ask him if it hurts real bad, he says it’s mostly the tickling that bothers him, besides the hurting. Did I mention challenged ? Make that a challenged duo. I’d be freaking out. So being the sarcastic fun guy I am, I look at her and say, “Run him buy the car-wash up the road, stick that spray wand in his ear, squeeze the handle, that ought to rid him of the creature. Only $1.25 vs $75 for the ER”. Michelle gave me a dirty look.

There was a little more, but this is long enough. I hate to bore readers.

Comments always welcome,


23 thoughts on “How much weirdness, can one weekend hold. (Trailer Park Life)

  1. Seems that every time I read one of your posts, Ron, I think to myself: OMG. This time I thought it about five times – one for each sad tale. Alabama, huh? I’ll plan my next visit waaaay in advance, to allow time to get ALL my shots. 😀

    1. I guess the saddest part, is that there is really nothing I can do, to help, or change the path of the characters. Thanks for the comment, be sure and get those shots!

  2. This stuff is never boring, believe me, Ron.
    I was tempted to laugh, but actually decided I felt sad instead.
    You obviously cannot consider using that roofer, now you know he has had a rape conviction. It is frightening to consider how we let such people into our homes, innocent of their past.
    Anyone who hits a dog like that is just scum, in my book. Maybe shoot him, and then plant a ‘clean’ gun in his hand? I would call that ‘justifiable homicide’. If I could afford the air fare, I would happily do it myself.
    The woman who ran over a railway sleeper to save a few yards will be regretting doing that, when her suspension gives up.
    And what sort of mother allows her son to carry on with some kind of bug living in his ear? They both sound like they belong in an institution. Are you sure you want to buy a trailer from her father? I would run a mile away from that…
    By comparison, my life is paradise. Pure and simple.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Don’t be sad, Pete. I just like to share things I see, in a lighter light. There are many, that have never met people like this before. I never want to make any of you sad. A sad reaction shows your compassion though, and that is an excellent quality to have.
      If the “Dog Boy” (I can’t classify him as a man) mistreats it, we will see that he is prosecuted, I can promise you that.
      My Roofer? He’s done here.
      I didn’t see the woman this morning that hit the large sleeper. You can set your watch by her, but she was a no show this morning. Hmmm.
      The Mom and Son, live down the road about 2 miles now. They both need help, but Alabama got out of the Mental Health business years ago. They rather send them a check each month, and food stamps. It’s cheaper than housing them in facilities. Our place will be paid off in May, and I have actually renovated places worse than this. Thanks for the great comment Pete.

    1. I agree Kate! That is just gross. How can you just accept something in your ear, munching away. I would have rushed my son to the ER, or something. Always great to see your comments, Kate. Thanks.

  3. I thought it had been too quiet around your parts. My husband is from Alabama and he has assured me that Alabama stays the same. “ But at least it’s not Mississippi” Apparently things could be worse. When I worked in rural Oregon I dealt with people just like your neighbors. Maybe they were their cousins.

    1. He is right, nothing changes around here, but the politicians, and that takes one dying off from old age.
      There are more stories here, than I can count. To those of the stories, it is normal life. To you and I? It is truly strange, sometimes scary, how they think and live.

      Even though I live here among them, I am still an outsider, looking in. I never want to appear all dark, in my posts. Or seem to make fun of anyone, but letting others know how crazy, or weird, people live, may educate those who have never experienced it.
      Thanks for the comment.

  4. I enjoyed, well, not really enjoyed( because of the dog part) but otherwise….
    The woman who drives through your yard, probably learnt her lesson and won’t try it again.
    Well, the boy who watches youtube, the poor child- the community needs to pool money and take him to the doctor.

    1. I understand Susie, You have to smile when Karma steps in, as it is such a rare occurrence now days. I think Karma is getting old and ready to retire.
      I’m surprised the lady wasn’t banging on the door this morning, complaining about the timber, she ran over with two wheels. It’s been there 3-4 years they say, and it is “in” my yard, but it never ceases to amaze me, how some won’t take responsibility for their own actions.

      Here’s the scoop on Mom and Son. They live with a father figure that adopted them years ago. No one in the household works. Father is 81 years old, Mom is 39 and has PTSD (according to her) Son is a problem child, with “learned” behavioral problems. They all get a check from the government. He gets an allowance of $80 from his mom each month to spend.
      Thanks for the comment.

      1. Ron,
        These are story book characters. It is good that in a trailer park you get to know your “neighbours” in quite the old-fashioned way. I would have thought that life these days is too much on the fast lane for anyone to care about anyone else, let alone help them even.

  5. I know not to drink anything when I read your posts. I would have spewed while reading that you’d need a tetanus shot to stand near the old jalopy! Too, too funny!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it Anne, I try to make them humorous. No one likes dark depressing posts, I know I don’t. It was truly a jalopy, if I see it again, I’ll post a picture of it. I like using actual pictures when possible, to give the reader a sense of actually being there.
      Have a super day Anne.

    1. As I mentioned just now, he still has it in his ear. I guess she is waiting for us to offer to take them to the doctor. They have a vehicle, but no one has a license but the father, who is too medicated to drive at the moment. Michelle has been taking them many places, but she is getting tired of it, as it is a strain on her. They need to schedule one of those shuttle buses to pick them up and take them.

      I’m like you, I’d be freaking out if something alive was in my ear.

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