I don’t mind the leaves falling, but the limbs are another thing!

Yesterday, around two pm. There was a crash outside. Everything had been quiet all day. Hot, but quiet. Only about a 15% chance of rain. Then a light rain started, and the wind picked up.

The rain placed more weight on the leaves as they became damp, and large sudden gust of wind brought down a fairly large limb. It crashed across our fence and the neighbors fence. Pretty much flattening them both, in one section. Had that limb fallen on the roof, it could have caused severe damage.

I’m thinking it was a couple of micro-burst that came from the short 10-minute rain. Our tree was hit, and about 100 yards (91.44 m) down the road, it emptied the trash dumpster outside their store, scattering trash all over the area. No damage to the store, but I’d never seen a dumpster relieved of most of the contents by wind before.

So I am keeping a weather eye out, and will sleep lightly till Fall sets in, and the winds aren’t full of rain and powerful.

I hope your weekend has been a good one. I wish I had been fast enough to catch the high speed chase that passed our location Friday night.

8 thoughts on “I don’t mind the leaves falling, but the limbs are another thing!

  1. Your roof had a lucky escape, Ron. My house is directly under two large oak trees, one in our front garden driveway, and the other in the back garden. If we had such a serious fall, it would almost spilt the house in two. We have to have them (expensively) trimmed every four years, to take the weight off of the ends of the larger branches. I doubt the whole trees will ever fall though, as they are almost 300 years old, and the house was built around them.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Here the whole state is in such a mess. We did get power back after two days, but Eversource(Neversource) will be fixing outages through Tuesday. 800,000 folks in Connecticut went dark. I guess that is to humble us after Fauci praised our efforts at containing covid.

  3. I’m glad as well, Ellie. It could have done some moderate to severe damage to this roof. Something I wouldn’t like to have happen.
    Thanks for the comment.

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