“It worked till you fixed it!”

Famous words spoken many times about Computers and other electrical gadgets, usually a true statement. It seems every time something is working fine, someone has a problem and they come out to fix it and everyone winds up with the problem. The last problem we had with the Internet Service turned out to be water in our lines.

This time we had cruised along just fine and they were out here working on the Cable at the pole. They said it was reported by several in the Park that there was trouble and cable repairthey had traced it to that point just outside our house. Naturally the old adage has come into play “It worked till you fixed it!”. I had to call and report slow and intermittent connections for the last two days. I get a scheduled tech call 4 days way. Tonight I get an automated call saying our outage was due to a problem in the area that has now been rectified and the service call will be cancelled.

As you would guess, about 15 mins after the call the Internet slowed to dial-up speed for about 15 minutes and then was off at our regular fast clip. I guess I will need to call them Monday if it keeps up. Maybe they need to come back out and add more water to the cable?

Comments welcome,

2 thoughts on ““It worked till you fixed it!”

  1. “Six ways from Sunday” as they say. They Pinged, scanned, tried to remote reboot it and got zilch. Then several mins later it starts working like a champ. I have always noticed that if you wait and call it never fails to correct itself after an appointment is made for a tech. LOL

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