It’s not how fast you mow, it’s how well you mow fast!

The full moon was June 9th, which was this past Friday. It was quiet around here that day. Maybe this is just residual craziness left over that never took effect. Last night we had the impromptu fireworks at 9pm.

I was awakened this morning by the alarm at 5:30am. As I staggered for the coffee pot, I heard what sounded like a lawn mower. Couldn’t be a mower at this time of the morning. Peeking out of the office window blinds I see the resident handyman David, mowing along in the right-of-way area near the mailboxes. There is a plume of mist coming from under the mower, as it attempts to mow the wet, dew laden, grass.

When I turned on the computers, the main one started it’s time lapse of the front area from the security webcam, it was dim outside. It looks lighter, but that is because the  camera is low light capable. You can see the vehicles passing on the roadway with their lights still on. Any darker and he would have needed a flashlight. It is a short snippet, someone comes and talks to him and he leaves soon afterwards.

Either the new park manager is a slave driver, or the poor fellow was in the heat too long yesterday. I swear it looked as if he had on Bermuda shorts, or his boxer briefs. He NEVER wears shorts. This is the same poor fella seen in an earlier post last year, “A hard day is relative”.

Whatever the reason, he stopped mowing when he was two-thirds finished. Maybe he was sleep mowing, and woke up. He’d probably been at it since 5am.

Comments welcome,


18 thoughts on “It’s not how fast you mow, it’s how well you mow fast!

  1. The poor man is using a small mower for such a big job. Here you can’t make that kind of noise before 7am. I guess it’s different for you guys. My sympathy to you both.

    1. Actually I don’t think he is supposed to be making such noise close to people before about 7 or 8, even out in the country, at least not where he can disturb others. Thanks for the comment. That is a rather small mower for all the mowing he has to do around here.

  2. That is early although it’s not unusual to have the commercial mowers around here starting at 7 a.m. while the grass is still wet. They have a quota to meet! Damn the grass!

    1. I could deal with 7am better, still early, but better. He still hadn’t finished that strip as of this evening. Not sure what he is doing. Michelle and Marissa got a kick out of watching the time-lapse of him though.

  3. Where we live there’s some inconsistent noise regulations. Residents can’t start mowing lawns until 9:00am, we can use power saws at 8:00am though, but because we are on a golf course they can start mowing at 6:00am 🙁  They do it everyday, rain or shine. Maybe David use to work on a golf course.

    1. Being out in the country, they are real lax on any type of restriction. That always leads to frayed nerves and strained neighbors. There’s no telling where David may have worked, he is a jack of all trades. He does nearly anything around here people need.

  4. I missed this post for some reason.

    I liked the speeded-up mowing, but I was puzzled why he stopped, with the job half done. Maybe the person in the car threatened him?

    There are no rules here, but it is ‘generally accepted’ that no noisy job starts before 8 am, and does not continue after dark. Most keep to that, but not all of course.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Yes, I enjoy the time-lapse. That was 1 second intervals for 3300 seconds or about 55 mins. Then I converted it to an mp4 format at 30 frames a second.

      I couldn’t figure out why he stopped mowing. I didn’t recognize the truck.

  5. Well if someone woke me up with a law mower at 530 I would be like “oh no he didn’t!” LOL On the other hand, our temps have soared into the 90’s with heat indexes over 100 so I’d probably keep my mouth shut and have my coffee.. LOL

    1. Our temps are spiking here also right at 100 heat index. I had several fantasy thoughts of what I’d like to do, but I kept them locked away. Thanks for the comment.

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