Karma and Irony are our friends, Trailer Park Awards for May.

I have been slacking in my posting lately. Projects here at home have kept me challenged but I am finally victorious!

The trailer park has been blissfully quiet for the last 2 weeks. It’s therefore time to chronicle the last major event. One that was unexpected, but welcome. Some of you will remember the mean, grumpy guy down the street. The one that argues with his neighbor all the time about her dogs.

There was a flurry of activity down his way for several days. The court had mercy on him and didn’t impose a sentence on him for the warrant that his neighbor signed on him. It probably helped that he arrived in a wheelchair, one amputated leg, pushed by his elderly father, who claimed to live with him and take care of him. They should get a Trailer Park Oscar. After the court appearance, he started doing things to aggravate the neighbor that had signed the warrant. Now they only have about 20 feet between his tiny camper and her fence line which is about 15 feet from her front door. So he wheels his dilapidated BBQ grill over to the fence, and burns obnoxious trash in it for 2 days. Plastic, rubber, dog poop.

During this time, Karma and Irony both must have tired of his antics. Your in deep trouble when Karma and Irony come for you. The county deputies came to his house one day on a call about a man and woman and 2 children in his house that refuse to leave. Then we hear of another call to the back row where his parents live, you remember, the ones that fly their confederate flag also and asked their neighbor not to have Negroes (they used the N word) visit him. The next day deputies arrive and take him off to jail. He’s been gone 2 weeks.

What better irony, than the ones that helped keep you out of jail by lying for you, signing a warrant on you. We are all thinking of throwing a neighborhood party in honor of his present residence in the county jail. You know, maybe we should give bozo a name. Let’s Call him Johnny Reb from now on if we have to write about him.

Official Trail Park Ass-hat Award
  • Awards:
    Johnny Reb and his father (and the wheel chair) get a Court Oscar for their performance of “Pitiful Redneck”, that kept him out of jail.
  • Johnny Reb also receives recognition, and official status, of “Ass-hat” of the trailer park. (Applause)
  • Karma and Irony deserve special mention for dumping so hard on Johnny Reb.
  • We would also like to thank his parents, who somehow managed to get fed up enough, they decided to sign him up for an all expense paid stay at the county facility, where he can relax, have his meals delivered to him, and play volley ball in the sports area. (Thunderous Applause!)

We are back to quiet days. Only the early morning put-put-put of the maintenance man’s riding mower, as he trundles down the highway to the service station for a cup of coffee. The sound of the neighbor 2 doors down, working in his forge making knives out of old steel.  Oh yes, and the lady next door, dog-cussing her fur babies till they finally get tired and come in the house. Life is good…

Comments always welcome,

36 thoughts on “Karma and Irony are our friends, Trailer Park Awards for May.

    1. It gets interesting at times, then we will have a quiet period. I hate it when that lady does that. Fortunately I think the dogs tune her out. They don’t even acknowledge she is there until they are ready, still makes me want to throw a shoe at her. Thanks for the comment.

        1. Never a pest, I thought I had answered it, but I must have had a senior moment and closed the tab before posting. Your welcome to share anything. My apologies for not making sure that it was answered/posted.
          If I ever forget something, or don’t respond, I encourage anybody to give me a nudge. It’s never a bother.

          Thanks for the nudge.

          1. I may use the squirrel post for this Tuesday’s Tale (if not this Tuesday then probably in the next few weeks). I am wondering if I can use a photo or two of Google for my post. You can either send them to me by email or I can save them from your post. I would like to use the very first photo of her outside. Let me know if you want to send it or if I should just save it from your post. Thanks!

  1. Looks like it. Apparently none of his kinfolk want to spring for his bond. He earned that vacation, so I hope he enjoys it for a good while. Thanks for the comment and dropping in.

    1. I’m glad you liked it Robyn. It gets pretty interesting at times. Sometimes downright comical. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.

  2. So funny! Karma is great when she comes around. I never understand why people don’t just let things go instead of working to aggravate others even more.

        1. Karma (Sanskrit, also karman, P?li: kamma) is a Sanskrit term that literally means “action” or “doing”. In the Buddhist tradition, karma refers to action driven by intention (cetan?) which leads to future consequences.

          Sort of like an imaginary force that can reward, or punish for actions taken for or against someone or something.

    1. Yes Elizabeth, it sounds really harsh till you meet a few real ones. We seem to have some “winners” out this way. Thanks for the comment.

  3. You never seem to lack for entertainment! I don’t know whether to be sad or glad that our neighbors never provided us with juicy stories. We’ve evidently missed a lot.

    1. I witnessed it in my police days. I never lived right next to it much. Thanks for the comment Anne. Maybe you will think of a crazy neighbor you have forgotten and share it with us.

  4. Thanks, Ron, for your depiction of a little slice of life in rural America’s trailer-park heaven… or some other place. 😉 May your feisty/racist neighbour enjoy his new digs for a loooongg time.

    1. He is a piece of work, that was a rough smell when he was burning stuff. Glad it didn’t blow my way much. Thanks for the comment this evening.

  5. I think I would just run screaming out of that place, Ron. It is a mark of your character and determination that you can stand to live there.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks Pete. I guess it is sort of like a retired zoo worker, moving to a neighborhood where residents have large exotic animals. Having been in police work, I am used to the weirdos and trouble makers. It would be rough if I was still a cop though. I couldn’t do it. I would have to get involved, and then I would be a target. I’m ready for relaxing. Thanks for the comment.

  6. Well, it sounds like you take it all in but don’t get involved.  Thats good.  Wondering how big your trailer park is.

  7. Yes, I stay to myself. I had enough craziness at work for all those years.

    We have about 38 units here. Gravel streets, sort of a country setting with trees.

  8. Ron

    I see you or WordPress changed the format of the comments part of your blog. Now it seems a lot more user friendly.

    I am glad peace reigns in your trailer park at long last and that the Johnny Reb man is in jail and enjoys his stay there. Do people get to visit people in jail like in hospitals or do they just abandon them ?

    Please post photos of your celebration party and the details.


    1. Thank you Susie. I’m appreciative of the input.  I added a plugin from WordPress for the small editor options in comments.

      Johnny Reb needs to enjoy that vacation. I know his neighbor lady is enjoying it. People can visit them in the county jail during certain hours just like a hospital.

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