Mice I can deal with, Snakes? not so much.

You know you live in the country when you catch a Snake in your Glue Trap for Mice. Yesterday I discovered a Rat Snake about 2 foot long as thick as my thumb stuck to a glue trap. Michelle being the kind heart she is was properly freaked out and didn’t want me to chop its head off.

She got a pan of vegetable oil and placed the trap and snake in it where the snake could hold its head out of the oil. After about 10 misnakesns the snake wiggled free and out into the woods to hunt for more mice. I swear though if it had hands it would have given me the finger as it looked back just before slithering off.

It must have been trapped in the house among the boxes in the dining room after I sealed all the holes that it could have come in (mice holes).

Ever caught your own snake in the house?

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