My Cat (Reboot), has a drinking problem.

reboot young
Playing with Trackball. Picture by me.

I have a solid black Cat named “Reboot”, She was a rescue given to me by my Veterinarian on Halloween 2007. Just a tiny thing due to almost dying at birth, she has been my companion here in my Man-Cave-Office. I named her reboot because as a kitten she would get under the desk and step on the power strip, effectively killing power to one of the computers not on a UPS.

Her first addiction. Picture by me.

She developed a serious drinking problem at a young age. Her being tiny, made anything the size of a coffee cup fair game. I know, she’s different, a cat that likes coffee, preferably with cream and sugar. Of course, she is the same animal that turns her nose up at tuna fish. 10 years later she still has the drinking problem. She has also developed over the years, a taste for Diet Coke or Sweetened iced Tea.

“Reboot”, picture by me.

If you are leaving the room, don’t leave your drink. If you do you may as well plan on washing your drink container out. You have to just assume she has sampled it. I think her head has grown narrow from raiding the drinks from the taller glasses, or maybe it was just genetics. Anyhow, if anyone knows of a good drinking program for a stubborn cat, please let me know. Do any of you have cats with drinking problems?

That’s all I have for this wobbly Wednesday. I hope you’re on the downhill slide towards the weekend now.

Comments welcome,

15 thoughts on “My Cat (Reboot), has a drinking problem.

    1. Thanks for the comment and like. I just read about Annie and the before and after picture was great. I know she is glad to be where it is warm.

  1. I adore Reboot’s name. I don’t know any cats with a drinking problem, but a friend had a dog who loved Merlot. That dog did every trick in the book to make Steve leave the room and his nightly glass of wine. I’ll bet he learned to take the glass with him.

  2. I have never encountered a cat that liked beverages other than water. Reboot is one of a kind!

    My cat Joey used to have a drinking problem of a different sort. He would not drink from a bowl of water on the floor, low to the ground like every other cat I know. It had to be elevated so that he could sit upright to lap up the water. So, we purchased a large novelty martini glass with a 10″ pedestal and kept it filled. The things you do for your pets, eh?

  3. Awww Reboot is beautiful. All our cats loved drinking out of mugs and glasses but I don’t remember them liking coffee. Our last cat would only drink water out of one mug, my husband’s coffee mug. The husband switched to a new mug… 🙂

  4. Good to know I’m not the only one. I generally get Reboot a small glass and put a very small amount of tea in it.
    Thanks so much for the like and comment, I really appreciate it.

  5. I wish Sunshine ( my cat) would drink tea, chai with milk or any of the other human drinks. I doubt if he even drinks water.
    But Reboot seems a smart cat and one who seems to be a conservationist.
    No wastage there.

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