Not sure how to title this.

Forgive me for the idiotic title, but I honestly couldn’t come up with one that wouldn’t embarrass me. It seems, my esteemed doctor has finally taken the time to notice something. He is a great guy, but like many doctors now you see his “assistants” and not him. Apparently, he noticed something in the recent myriad of blood tests they take, when they’re not trying to find phantom things to charge my insurance for.

It would seem that due to the medications I’m on, and my mileage and age (69 next month), that perhaps my Arnold Schwarzenegger chemical (Testosterone, there I said it), is nearly non-existent. Normal levels are 12-13 according to him, but mine is .8

After some Q&A I learned this can cause all sorts of problems such as concentration, extreme tiredness, moodiness, loss of muscle mass, and lack of interest in the world as a whole. Nice of them to finally find something possibly connected to my multiple reports of these symptoms to them, instead of listening to them tell me what they think I may need to be tested for. I’m betting that is why I have no desire to do many other things like blog, come up with good content, go places, and unable to concentrate once I sit down at the computer wanting to think of something to post. I used to come up with fairly witty and fun posts in the past, but for a year now thoughts have been like an empty landscape with the occasional tumbleweed drifting by.

I’ll start treatment the first of the month, so hopefully, I will get motivated once again to blog, with actual formulated content. That is if my eyeballs don’t fall from their sockets, or an arm falls off from the side effects. I haven’t bothered looking into them, as I don’t even want to know. It’s rough when you start to do something, then your brain and body just say, “Nah, give us a moment and this feeling will pass.”

So here’s hoping for energy, brainpower, and a drive to do more things this Summer. Thank you all for being a part of my blogging world. -Ron

27 thoughts on “Not sure how to title this.

  1. I really hope that helps you, Ron. I can identify with some of the symptoms, but had never even thought about lack of testosterone to be honest. Not something doctors here tend to check, as far as I know. I am aware that some body builders who take a lot of that hormone become more aggressive in nature, so watch out for that.
    Take care my friend, I will be interested in the outcome.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Right you are, Janis. They spend less and less time each visit, and seldom follow up on tests that they requested to be done, or at least fail to let us know if they were good or bad. You shouldn’t have to ask.

  2. Now they know what the problem is, you will hopefully be on your way to recovery. Get well soon, Ron! Hope the side effects are minimal.

    1. Hello, to longview. So great to see you. I have been thinking of many of you lately. They better be minimal, hard to find parts for my year model now.

    1. Not a problem at all. I still haven’t figured out why it does that, but I know when I see the question marks it is supposed to be a smile. Thanks.

  3. Well I hope you feel like yourself soon Ron … I ramped up the Vitamin D during the pandemic as doctors were touting Vitamin D as good for the immune system. I need something to make me feel more energetic as I’ve been known to nod off during the day while at work. The eyes head to half mast and there’s no turning back then.

    1. Low vitamin D levels can cause many problems, especially if they get too low. Michelle has extremely low vitamin D, so the doctors put her on some high dosages for a while.

      1. A friend of mine lives near Rochester, New York and they are situated in a part of the U.S. that has the least sunshine so most people who live there are on Vitamin D supplements. It is hard to know if you’re just getting older or lack a vitamin, especially as to fatigue.

  4. Wow, good to know, at least, right? Sending you a TON of good luck, Ron! Hope you’ll feel increasingly better as time goes on. Take care.

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