My menu settings for the Gutenberg Editor.

After realizing many are still struggling with the block editor intimidation factor, I created a video tutorial that I hope will help some get started. Having a familiar or standard layout of things you use often is the first step in getting comfortable learning. These are the basic menu settings I use, to lessen the overwhelming options in the block editor.

If you like the video, please like and subscribe to the channel. That way you will get notifications of future videos. I may make more tutorials based on the feedback and questions left here, or in the YouTube video comments.

If this helped you, please let me know.

Comments or questions always welcome.

11 thoughts on “My menu settings for the Gutenberg Editor.

  1. I left a comment and like on You Tube, Ron.
    You don’t have a reblog function, so I will repost this by copying the text and adding the video link.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Thanks, Pete. Sadly I have been unable to find a reblog function that will work on my self-hosted site. WP seems to keep that option just to its platform.

  3. Thank you for putting this together. Although I’ve been using the block editor for a while, I know I’m just scratching the surface. Your video taught me a few tricks and I’m looking forward to learning more from future videos. Your voice quality was good and I appreciated that you didn’t zip through things or assume knowledge (although I have no idea what that jet thingy is… and maybe that’s just as well).

    1. Glad you could use it, Janis. The Jetpack is a plug in that gives my self-hosted site a few more widgets and stats. Although I have found it to be something that slows the site down more than it is beneficial.

  4. Thanks for your video. I came over from Pete’s blog. I’ve been using the Block Editor for quite a while now and actually like it. But I still learned a few things under Options, that I will explore further!

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. I’m glad you found some things useful in the video. It has grown on my as well. Once you get used to it like anything, you get comfortable. Thanks for dropping in.

  5. I was very helped by the way to edit the choices of blocks. I didn’t know I could do that and I kept scrolling through all sorts of useless choices trying to find ones I needed. Volume and pacing are perfect, by the way.

  6. That was a big help, although the media blocks didn’t have a way to narrow those down. Glad it was useful for you, Elizabeth. Keep plugging away.

  7. Hi Ron! I’ve been resistant to the switch to Gutenberg for ages, but I finally got up the courage to at least look at your video above! (I’ve had your tab open on Firefox ever since you first posted this! Lol!)
    So, ok, I think i can handle it. Just one thing I notice, though. The tool bar at the top doesn’t have all the items I have in the Classic toolbar, just for example: the line for [more], and also the chain-link icon you click on to insert a link. There’s probably a simple answer for that, I’ll bet! If so, then I admit I’m more open to the switch!

    On another note entirely, Ron, I just happened to read a fascinating book written by an expert in ‘threat assessment’ – his name is Gavin de Becker and the book is called “The Gift of Fear.” I highly recommend it and would be interested to know what you think of it.

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