OMG! Someone, actually buys this stuff.

I hope I don’t offend anyone that subscribes to these theories I am criticizing. I was researching another subject regarding wireless connectivity. Also, Michelle had stepped into the man-cave/office the other day and commented it looking like NASA, and I should glow in the dark.

I stay in my little world of computers and gadgets, Apparently I have  not raised my head up in a long time. I knew the world was getting strange, but the degree of audacity, and lack of caring of our fellow man astounds me.

A dozen other generic symptoms

I remember many years ago, seeing a documentary of a gentleman that had moved to the desert into a cave. He wanted to escape Electromagnetic Radiation, being given off by power grids, TV/Radio towers etc. He claimed that the radiation caused all kinds of symptoms affecting his health. His affliction, if you can call it that, over the years has gained momentum beyond imagination.  I have learned that several countries (not the US thank goodness) now give disability for the new term, EHS (“electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome”). So now if you itch, have headaches, nausea, blurred vision, bad concentration, memory lapses, rash, tingling, numbness, lack of coordination, no sex drive, frequent urination, and about a dozen other generic symptoms that are repeated in a pharmacy commercial, you might qualify for disability from an affliction that has not had any solid scientific proof.

Market based on fear

I wonder at what point will insurance be forced to pay for items, that the afflicted say works to ease their symptoms. Hey, I never thought it would get this far, but a whole market has grown based on fear. You  know, we used to laugh people out of town that sold things that they know don’t work. 20 years ago it was frowned on to take advantage of people’s fears, offering crazy potions to cure everything. Today? Anything is fair game for a dollar.

We men that may develop a concern for electromagnetic fields while blogging, can check out the cute boxers for men. Only $89 a pair! at Amazon (free shipping with Prime). Personally, I’ll take my chances with the EMF. I don’t want to forget and wear silver threaded undies out in a thunderstorm. Also, explaining to the friendly security at the airport, that your briefs are 42% silver. 

Or, for ladies and men, the hoodie that blocks what one site says is 99% of negative EMF. Unless of course the radio waves notice your exposed face, hands, or your cell phone in your hand, or you make that call or text, whoops! At $179.99 and free shipping they urge you to order, there were only 17 left at the time of this post.

EMF Protection

Imagine showing up to work, or your next office party in this pacemaker protection gear. Yes, they are quite serious. I would love to read the warning label on this one. I hope it recommends mentions not wearing it outside during lightning storms. Seriously, you have to be really scared of your cell phone to don this outfit.

If it lasts more than 4 hours

Or perhaps the “Grounding Strap” comes with a 12-foot cord so you can clip it to your garment. Plug it into a wall socket and use the buildings electrical ground connection  to drain away harmful EMF. Sorry, but I have seen what happens to electrical components, and some people when a ground went bad in a building. With that connected to your shorts… It may be one of those “If it lasts more than 4 hours, seek medical attention” moments.

Comments always welcome.

22 thoughts on “OMG! Someone, actually buys this stuff.

  1. I suppose I should congratulate the salesmen for coming up with this stuff, Ron.
    Playing on the fears of people with enough money to buy crappy nonsense is a long-standing tradition in America. (And other countries too)
    Speaking for myself, being wrapped in cheap tinfoil 24/7 seems to be working well enough. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Very true, Pete. It has been going on for a long time, it just seems in this day and age there would be fewer customers. Glad that tinfoil is working for you, I had to stop using my cap, it was pulling what few hairs I have left. I just strap a metal strainer/bowl on my head now. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Sadly, it is not new. I used to work with a man (late 1960s) who covered all his home windows in aluminum foil. He knew that aliens were aiming signals at him and the aluminum foil apparently deflected them. Of course he could eventually be proved correct but, until then, I just think it is rather sad that his thinking was so far away from reality that he was handicapping the one and only life that he had. I tend to accept that these folk simply (?) have a data processing irregularity.

    1. Now that is a new term and very catchy. “I tend to accept that these folk simply (?) have a data processing irregularity.”

      I found an entire market for the anti-alien department. They make hats and clothing as well. Maybe I’m in the wrong vein to supplement our income. Thanks for the comment Colin.

    1. That’s what I’m saying! If people will pay $80 for a necklace made of plastic, with a flat circle of copper wire in it, I should be able to sell them anything. Thanks for the comment, Kate.

    1. Your right! I need to look into that. Could be a good revenue there. I have seen more and more people talking flat-earth. You really have to wonder about some.

  3. I think what is sad is that so many people can connect with other people on the internet and come up with totally new explanations for symptoms and together give it a name. Of course I suffer from CIFNWII syndrome which gives me a headache. This is short for Calling It Fake News When It Isn’t. The only cure is TISATAT, a new medicine I am sellling for $45000. The generic form of my medicine is “there is such a thing as truth.” It works for any point of view, by the way. Not restricted to any side of the political spectrum since both seem to leave me with CIFNWII.

  4. A belated Hi, Ron! Re that electromagnetic radiation thing, there was a story arc about that on “Better Call Saul” last spring/summer, wherein the main character’s older brother had it really bad! People had to leave their cell phones etc. outside before going into his house; he lived by candlelight, etc. If he ever had to venture out he’d wrap himself all up in aluminum foil. I didn’t realize it was a real thing! So thanks for the post!

    1. Hi, Ellie! It’s so strange sounding, that you would think it was just made for TV. It’s actually kinda funny (and sad) that people can be told something and take it as gospel. Metal around you, or the area, can affect the ElecroMagnetic effect. What some don’t realize, is in some cases such as the fictional wrapping oneself in tinfoil, could turn you into an antenna, to more efficiently capture the EM than repel or slow it. I found that funny looking at some of the clothes they offered.
      Thanks for the comment, always a pleasure to see you.

      1. Wow, well live and learn, I always say!!
        BTW Ron, did you remove a post? I tried to find one yesterday but it said Page Not Found. Something about logic/life in trailer park.

        1. I wish there was a way to tell exactly how to use the emotes. Or a list pop up that you could select from if you wanted. I know the colon and right parentheses makes a smile. 🙂 😀

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