Open Carry in the Park, Why?

Well, everyone by now knows how I feel about Open Carry also known ac OC. I finally got to see one in real life today in a City Park. A young man was there with what appeared to be his wife and child. The child was playing on the slide with the parents there. On his hip was a very large black semi automatic for all the world to see. Maybe he thought some of the steel kiddie animals in the park might come to life and threaten his kid.

They say it is because our gun rights are threatened, okay so they are threatened, get opencarry
out there and vote or demonstrate to promote for free concealed permits, or removing restrictive laws on guns. Don’t parade around with a gun on your hip making others that don’t care for guns uneasy in a store, park or other public place. Contrary to the OC belief it “does not” help the cause of gun ownership.

The wife says, “Maybe he’s an off duty Cop”. I tell her no, a cop would not parade around with an exposed weapon for two reasons. One he doesn’t need to stroke his ego or have a super need to be noticed while off duty. Two, if there is a bad guy anywhere near and bent on crazy destruction, he will shoot the first threat to him, which is the armed Daddy with his child. He’s been brainwashed that he is a deterrent to crime, news flash! He’s a target. I have to say seeing it in real life instead of being told by the wife that she saw one I had to honestly search my feelings. I felt embarrassed for him, I felt sad for him that he had such a need to feel more important than he is to his loved ones. I was also just a tad uneasy that a person with an ego that large was armed in my vicinity. I always wondered what feelings I would experience upon seeing a real life OC’er, and there they were.

He might be a really good person, father and husband, he may be an outstanding American Patriot, but in this setting he appeared to be someone lacking in self-esteem or maybe suffering from too much esteem and wanting to flash his ego in public. Either way it was actually an uneasy experience. I was brought up with manners, America is rough these days true, but we are still far from the old wild west days where you might be approached by another person wearing a gun and wanting to take your woman or car after a gunfight.

OC has no place in our society at this time. Whatever happened to Decorum among us in public. Had he had a concealed weapon then he and his family would have been just as safe and others in his vicinity that don’t like weapons would not be made uneasy just because he craved attention. So ask yourself truly, what was the real reason for openly sporting a huge sidearm in a city park.

Comments welcome,

One thought on “Open Carry in the Park, Why?

  1. Your last paragraph says it all. If he wanted protection for his family, concealed is better, and safer.

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