Our Modern Insanity fueled by Political Correctness

I popped over to FoxNews.com this morning and the title on the webpage was about an “Adult Film Star” claiming Trump offered her $10,000 10 Years ago to be alone with him.

“After I returned to my room, I received a call from a man calling on Donald’s behalf,” Drake said. “He said Donald wanted me to come back upstairs to his suite. I indicated I did not wish to return. Then Donald called, asking me to come to his suite and have dinner with him. He also invited me to a party; I declined.”

Let’s get this straight, A woman who does porn films with anyone doing anything for money, declines going to a party with a Billionaire. I can see declining an invitation to his room, but a party? Also suspect is the numbers, how convenient that it was 10,000 10 years ago. Of course porn stars aren’t known for their creative thinking.

Whether he did or didn’t is no matter to me. What does matter is that in the last 10 years or longer we have ourselves as a society slid so far down in the mud that we actually speak of Porn Stars as if they are a good career path. They are called “Adult Film Stars”. Here I was thinking an Adult Film Star was someone over the age of 21 that had worked hard to become a Star. But now we call them Entertainers.

A sign of how far we’ve fallen and how we accept anything in our society (which used to be called a polite society) is this woman claims she was working an Adult Film booth (Wicked Pictures) AT A GOLF COURSE! What the hell is a Porn Film booth doing at a Golf Tournament. Yes, I called it Porn, when you take all your clothes off and no sexual act is out-of-bounds I consider it a Porn Film, not something nice sounding like Adult Film. Now if you want to watch it fine, your choice. let’s just not try to polish horse dung. No matter how much polish you apply, it’s still horse dung.

Instead of keeping our standards high and teaching kids to aspire to better things, we garbagerelabel things that once were not desirable to aspire to as something else to make them more palatable. What once was a Garbage Man is now a Sanitation Engineer. Sounds better so that even our kids who drop out of school won’t be ashamed to haul Garbage since they can have a job with a decent title.

We loved our Janitors in school and they did an important job, but it was usually because they were unable or not educated enough to get a better job. Now they are Environmental Engineers.

I laughed the other day when a truck full of laborers pulled into the Gas Station where I diggerwas getting fuel. These are the guys that can get no other jobs other than digging ditches or just plain heavy labor. Their T-Shirts proudly proclaimed them as “Urban Maintenance”. Mom used to tell me if I didn’t study and get a good education that I would wind up without a good job and be a ditch digger. That sounded horrible and I saw those people sometimes in dirty work clothes digging ditches or working on the side of the road. Somehow Urban Management Personnel just doesn’t strike the same note of dread I don’t think.

The saddest part of all this? We as a society give “any” weight to what a porn star has to say and many will believe her since she works in a recognized career field of what weburglar used to call Porn. It makes you wonder if maybe one day we will see the title of Con-Man or Professional Burglar as a form of career and start taking their word a something to believe in. I have seen some media interviewing Burglars that label themselves as “Professional”. They thought it was newsworthy to put them on the air and let people know how to protect themselves. Why even give a professed Criminal 5 minutes of air time. Just put safety tips out. Of course that wouldn’t draw audiences like a real life “Professional” Burglar.

  • I’m old-fashioned,
    A Porn Star is a Porn Star. Representatives of the most vile and degenerated parts of our society.
    A Garbage collector is just that and does not deserve the title of “Engineer” when it takes higher education in school or college or specialized training to earn that title for most.
    A ditch digger or laborer is just that. They have to do hard work and everyone should strive to do better so as not to have to wear the moniker. They are not Urban Maintenance Workers.


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