Our Monument… (Poems by Ron)

Our Monument…

How could I ever repay you, for the kindness that you’ve shown?
I could build for you a monument, of beautiful wood and stone.

But it could never show the world, the softness that you share.
The things you’ve given of yourself, the way you truly care.

I could never build it high enough, to touch the evening sky
The way you’ve touched my heart within, but I would love to try.

It would never match the way you walk, though it’s curves would show the grace.
Although a thing of beauty, it would remain in just one place.

Upon it I could place wind chimes, to catch the evening breeze.
But they could never sound as soft, as your voice, as you call to me.

With precious stones, I could cover it, for all the world to see…
But they would dim in comparison, to your eyes so beautiful green.

So I will build a smaller one, so all the world can see…
A simple statue of a heart, with a picture of you and me.

I’ll leave the stones and statues, for people that have passed.
Our love will be our monument, and forever it shall last.

Ron Walker July 1999

13 thoughts on “Our Monument… (Poems by Ron)

        1. I have wondered about that myself. They just didn’t lend themselves to poetic inspiration. They did however, make for some fabulous serious and sometimes funny stories.

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