Time for some brighter posts.

This morning, Michelle and I decided to do some outdoor therapy and visited a local park. I hope the photos are as soothing to you, as they were for us. (click for larger images)

Pratt Part, located in the Fountain City of Prattville, Alabama. A large pond in the center with many ducks and Geese.

Pratt Park

It had rained during the night, and again on this morning.

Take a deep breath, enjoy your day as much as you can. Tomorrow, isn’t promised.


What can I say, It’s Alabama.

I’ve had nothing to blog on, for some time now. The trailerhood has been quiet, heat and rain driving everyone indoors. This morning, I simply can’t find the words to describe my feelings. Shock? Amazement? Numb?

I am known for my lack of sympathy for others, that display stupidity. This morning, my senses were simply overloaded at the level demonstrated by one Alabama lawmaker, State Rep. Will Dismukes, a Republican from Prattville. Now, Alabama has its faults, but it is still my state, where I’ve grown up. Just like places in the US have faults, but I still claim the US as my country, and I love all the great things about it.

Imagine, having enough literacy, intelligence and perseverance to get elected to a high public office. Representative of the State of Alabama. Then, imagine having the apparent lack of the aforementioned qualities to perform and bragg about actions that are socially and politically suicidal.

A person was killed by a bad officer The country has been torn apart by riots in major cities, against anything racial, sometimes just anything, but that’s another subject. Slavery, the KKK, The Confederacy and Police are all hot topics at this point.

What kind of State Representative, would attend a birthday celebration for the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, (Nathan Bedford Forrest). Then brag about the nice time he had speaking at the celebration on social media.

He serves as the Chaplain of the Prattville Dragoons, Sons of the Confederate Veterans. The 199th Birthday Party for Nathan Bedford Forrest was listed on the association’s blog that features posts and invitations.

Source: WAFF

I understand his pride in his heritage. He has the right to post what he desires, and go where he wants. However, just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should. This was stupid, and politically suicidal, but then again, maybe he knows something we don’t. Perhaps he was elected by like-minded constituents. The Civil War, ended over for 155 Years ago. Refusing to recognize that fact, lends credence to Forrest Gump’s quote, “Stupid is, as stupid does”. Think of the good you can do, and bite your tongue when you have to. Right now, just wasn’t the right time for a rebel yell.

Now we’ll have, “Just like that, they was mad at that Grand Dragon fella”.

Source: Dismukes’ Facebook

Thanks for listening to the rant this morning.
Comments, Give em’ if you got em’.

You just never know. Violence, can be anywhere.

I was just sitting here, trying to think of something to blog. Michelle came in to tell me, the small diner we go to sometimes, had an ex-husband of one of the workers come in waving a gun. This is the quiet, peaceful diner downtown that I am going to do a post on soon. We were just there 4 days ago. I remember going unarmed since Michelle was going to be armed. If it continues like this, I may get paranoid and carry everywhere (concealed of course).

I’ll never be a hero, I believe in remaining passive unless the person threatens me directly, or starts shooting. A dead hero helps no one.

Unfortunately, the man picked lunchtime to show up. The place usually has five or six officers there eating lunch. The officers placed themselves between the crazed man, and patrons while other officers were rushing patrons out a back door. While they were trying to talk the man down, he decided to take his own life. It’s just getting crazier every day.

Perhaps the stress and strain of the effects of the Covid Virus took its toll on him. Maybe he lost his job. We may never know the true reason, but it is certain that the current state of society is getting more violent, as events roll on.

Please stay safe, keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings.

Comments always welcome.

Slow Saturday.

A soft rain, AC steadily humming along in the window. Sparky the squirrel is on the porch eating food we put out for him, or her. Life is good here in the trailerhood. You may remember it from “Oh Lawd, it’s Black Friday”

After mowing the lawn at 8am this morning. In the sweltering humidity I might add, we then finished Michelle’s craft room. She, is thrilled. I’m tired and this day is now free for me to play on the computers. I have added a live feed to the sidebar of the blog, and from time to time I will activate it to give all of you a view of things happening. Right now, the resident squirrel is filling his little belly at the bowl.

Thunder getting a tad close this evening. The rain is welcome, the lightning can keep its distance.

I’m just trying it out. If you’d like to leave feedback in the comments, I welcome them. I have five cameras, so there is no telling what I might live stream from time to time. Please let me know if it causes too much slowdown or other issues. I’m not seeing any on my end, but that doesn’t mean it won’t on other connections.

It’s time to start my spaghetti supper, and prepare to watch whatever Svengoolie has on for an old classic show tonight.

Stay safe, and happy.