Stop the madness!! You’re barking up the wrong tree.

I don’t know how to even begin. Anything you say, is construed as racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I grew up in the civil rights era, in the heart of it, Montgomery, Alabama. As a young boy I watched the people from the Selma to Montgomery march, pass within 10 feet of me as I sat on the steps of my house. I was raised, that people are not different because of skin color, they are only different by circumstances.

BLM, NAACP, Southern Poverty Law, all of them may have started as good projects, but they are corrupted by greed, and other agendas. They remind me of NASA: “Going nowhere, since 1958” There is no help there, only the people on the street, of all colors can effect change. The first change has got to be replacing all these “supportive” organizations. They are the ones pitting humans against one another. If it’s not race, then they play ethnicity differences.

His neighborhood is full of criminally insane

This post was penned after I just watched a news clip. An eight-year-old boy was shot by a stray bullet while the denizens of an apartment complex held a roving 20 round shootout among themselves. He was travelling home with his parents in a vehicle when the stray round critically injured him. This is the cause people should be marching for. An innocent eight-year-old may not get to play, or go to school again, because his neighborhood is full of criminally insane people, that want to blame all their woes on those outside their “hoods”.

The police don’t even want to go there

Who is the real bad guy here. A few officers that shouldn’t be working? We have bad preachers, teachers, and day care workers. A few out of every profession are bad apples, that is just the world. But look at the gangs and groups that hang out together in the area where this child was harmed. I can bet you, that nine out of ten you approached in that area, just as soon hurt you as not. The police don’t even want to go there, so where is the real danger to those citizens, the police or the ones that everyone fears speaking out against.

They should march, demonstrate, shut down interstates, for this childs harm that was done. Turn in those that leisurely shoot at one another on a Monday night. Take back your communities. This is directed insanity of the highest magnitude. The “organizations” are directing this madness. Why not at the same time, push for less crime in the neighborhoods. Turn in the thugs. Yes, there will be retaliation, some will get hurt or killed for standing up, but isn’t that what you are chancing when you’re sent out into the street to commit mayhem in the name of justice?

Peace, and control, can only come from those that stand up against oppression. No one will though. 10 years ago, gang signs were painted on streets in the Civil Rights Capitol of the United States (Montgomery, Alabama). They marked neighbor(hoods) where police were warned not to go.

If the only outcry we can get, is when one color hurts another, we are doomed.

Comments, always welcome.

Thank you, my blogging friends.

On a beautiful Friday morning, I wanted to take a moment, and let you all know how great it has been to meet all of you. I can’t begin to tell you how my days have been brightened by reading your blogs. While I have been a very infrequent blogger lately, I do appreciate you hanging in there and not writing me off. You’re all a great group of bloggers from all over the world and I’m fortunate to know you.

March 2017 is when I found the WordPress community of bloggers. For four years before that, I’d been just using the software mainly talking to myself, with the occasional comment from family of someone that stumbled across the blog. Then one day I installed Jetpack to play around with it, and needed to register my site on the main WordPress. That is when I met all of you wonderful bloggers. So while I may be an infrequent blogger at this time, I still cherish all of you.

Stay safe, stay true. Above all, keep blogging!

DIY Wi-Fi Extended Range Yagi. (Trailerhood Style)

Okay, when you have a lot of time on your hands, you start acting like a mad scientist, or I’m watching too many Sci-Fi shows. Which reminds me, Svengoolie comes on this Saturday. “Curse of the Werewolf” will show, but I digress.

Living in a park, (Trailerhood) for new readers. Wi-Fi signals can sometimes be temperamental. When you have several neighbors close by, the amount of signals can saturate the air, this can make it hard to get good range from the office here, back nearly 70 feet to the master  bedroom. Or in your yard.

I tried buying a Wi-Fi Yagi antenna off eBay, and the thing was so poorly made, as far as measurements and spacing, it was just a paper weight. There was no surprise there. After all, at $12 you get what you pay for. I found plans for a DIY antenna from a Google search. Here is a picture of one someone made with paperclips, clothes pins, popsicle sticks, a very small Wi-Fi dongle (under all that tape). Diagrams, measurements, and pictures can be found at the link below. This is not step by step, but if you are technically inclined, you can follow the directions in the link. As always, practice safety when doing projects. 
Easy to Build WIFI 2.4GHz Yagi Antenna

Gathering parts and tools.

  • Superglue  It works better on skin than it does most parts, be careful.
  • Micrometer for measuring the paperclips. You have to be as precise as possible with the length, since you are working with microwave frequencies.
  • A plastic rod from a pair of cheap blinds I had lying around, which I cut to my length needed. (Lets not repeat that, Michelle doesn’t know yet).
  • Box of Jumbo paperclips I already had. 
  • Some Tinfoil From my protective conspiracy hat.
  • A waxed Dixie ‘snack-size’ plate, Tinfoil covered as an added reflector.
  • A Medium plastic Dixie cup.  (Southern Champagne Glass) in case of light rain, if used outdoors for experimenting.
  • A spare Alfa USB Wi-Fi adapter One I had an extra of. 
  • A RP-SMA female wire pigtail from an old router to connect the Alfa Unit to the driven element on the antenna.
  • Soldering Iron and solder
  • Some ointment for any burned fingers I usually get from my soldering skills.
  • Small wire cutters for trimming the paperclips.  (Band aids if your clumsy like me)
  • Spray can of flat-black paint Already on hand. I picked black, as the only other flavor was fluorescent orange, and I look horrible in that color.
  • Some spare parts from my Go-Pro drawer to mount it to a tripod, or flat piece of wood for table-top use.
  • Patience, LOTS of patience.

Pictures from the build.

Results: With just the signal from the router I was getting a power reading of -80 to -90 (lower numbers are better)  in the back bedroom. Now using the Antenna, we’re getting -30 to -40! No more drop-outs from interfering signals. I can use my laptop or tablet out in the backyard shop. I can also use this to pick up open wireless sources if needed should the Internet go offline here at home.

This is not a detailed instructional, but has link/s needed for detailed instructions. Construction time was about 3 hours. Cost was free as all items were on hand.

Comments, always welcome.

Quick and Dirty (New WP Editor)

This, is just a short (or hopefully short) instruction on how to at least get your posting done, using the new WordPress editor. I have been using it since shortly after the initial beta release. It has improved, but as with all new things, it will take some getting used to.

I’m not following the click this, click that, method, but showing you the shortcuts you can use, so you can get to posting without spending hours on trying to find all the cute options scattered throughout. Are you ready? Lets go!

I hope this helps someone get started with simple posting. Comments always welcome.