Raining Cats and Dogs? No wait, that was a O’Possum

Country time here. It was raining hard and the wind was blowing about 10mph. We are sitting watching TV and what sounds like a brick strikes the window AC unit (large unit).

With club in hand I ease the back door open to look out and spot a Possum walking slowly possumacross the deck and onto the large Pecan Tree that he apparently was blown out of landing on the AC unit. He didn’t look to happy, stopping at the first fork in the tree to peer down at me in the blowing rain.

It is said it rains Cats and Dogs at times, an old saying. I have never seen it rain Possums till tonight.

They can be fierce creatures and yet they actually can make docile pets if raised from babies.

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2 thoughts on “Raining Cats and Dogs? No wait, that was a O’Possum

  1. Had one when we were kids. It’s Mother and siblings had been killed on the Roadway. brought him home and nurtured him. they’re soo cute!

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