Saturday winding down Nothing happening, but a mouse infestation.

This Saturday has been a quiet one. I have spent the day working on little projects on the computer. I hope your day has been a good one.

While looking for some parts in my office closet, I ran across this mouse infestation. 

Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself. Yes.. stupid to the max. Sometimes, it just comes over me! Maybe I’m (shudder) missing the exploits of YouTube Boy. He is still, uh, not available. Staying where they don’t give you a key.

Have a great night everyone.

16 thoughts on “Saturday winding down Nothing happening, but a mouse infestation.

  1. Oh whew! I thought I was going to see a mass of mice and nests and messes. Glad it was those mice. I like that kind. Ha ha.

  2. I hope that the institution managed to investigate what is going on in that boy’s ear.
    Good pun with the post title, Ron. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. That would be nice, but he’s lucky to get the socks they take to him. Apparently the staff liked them better.
      I’m glad you liked the title, It was silly, but I was just in one of those moods, where even I need a laugh sometimes.

      1. LOL – I once saw a jpg of a cat in a box that had mice (computer type) hanging on the sides, much like some hunters hang trophies.

  3. Nothing appeared in our area. Up north I think they had a couple buildings damaged by high wind. The sun actually came out, right after the school kids came home due to “severe weaher”.

    1. Thank you so much for the nice words. I was reading this one again, and noted that I had not responded to your comment. I’m very sorry for that. I usually find things by cleaning (tidying) up the office and closet, that’s when I find all sorts of nice goodies.

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