Simmering Saturday

It has been a hot one once again today. I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss Fall. It’s the July 4th weekend and idiots already shooting fireworks and it is only July 2nd. Public Education at it’s finest I suppose. They can’t read a Calendar. I hope they are about depleted of Beer and fireworks before Monday rolls around.

I’ve had a full day of trying to find out why some spammer is able to use the email on my domain to send out spam which in turn keeps tripping a suspension of the site. SickComputerSupport is very helpful but there is only so much they can do. It is up to me to wade through the site, some 9,000+ files and find if they left a script to allow them to get in. I have run scans all day and online scanners found nothing. I downloaded the entire site and ran clamav and it hit on a php item that turns out is all by its lonesome sitting in a css folder. I’m hoping that was the script they had managed to somehow get on the server. I’ll know in the morning if we’re not suspended again as the spamming script seems to run at night while I’m asleep.

If it gets any hotter the Tomatoes in the Garden will be cooked well before we can pick them. The heat brings out the best in people too. Fights down the road at the Citgo Station between man and woman, then two men. Motorcycle idiot is back in the Park and doing his best to break his neck. Some guy ingested Rat Poison, another just went berserk at home. Is it a full moon?

Almost time to sit down and stop listening to the madness outside and enjoy Abbott and Costello on Mars. I think if it wasn’t for Svenghoolie on Saturday nights the Cable TV would be worthless. Speaking of Cable, the company had two trucks out here in front of the house for 4 days last week looking for a problem that the rest of the Park was having. We were having no issues imagine that! They left the last day they were out, and 2 hours later the entire park went offline for about 4 hours. They did come out the next morning and finally managed to get it going.

Of course I will need to wait till the Washer stops since the bearing in that old beast is as loud as a small tornado on the spin cycle.

Comments welcome,

One thought on “Simmering Saturday

  1. Wishing you the best with this.
    I have 2 dogs that need to go outside, but they won’t because of the fire crackers around here!

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