Smart guns… A really Dumb Idea.

I agree, even one death of a child or person is too many. It is horrific, needless.

smart gun
Image public domain


I wish there was some way to make a safe gun. The only way to make a safe gun is to make safe people. However people are imperfect. We can’t make a safe car to prevent deaths because people still make mistakes, or intentionally misuse them (Drunk Driving or using them as weapons).

The people that strive to make a safe gun are under the same pretense of those that want to tell us that “Gun Free Zones” will work. It is honorable of them to think of their fellow man, but it is not realistic. A Smart Gun would actually be more dangerous than a Gun Free Zone sign. Why? Let’s look at the pros and cons of a Smart Gun.

For the record? I too wish there was such a thing that would prevent accidental deaths with weapons. It’s just not practical.


  • Smart Gun could only be fired by the owner via bio-metrics, voice or fingerprint. In this instance his is fingerprint.
  • Accidental discharge should be eliminated, resulting in fewer accidental deaths.


  • Anything electronic is susceptible to many things not desirable in a weapon. Interference, software or hardware failure, hacking, power failure/interruption. A mechanical gun while having some issues of safety, mainly caused by human error “just works” you pull the trigger it fires.
  • Limiting a weapon to an individual is not conducive to safety or practical when used by Police, Military, or members of the public for self defense that may lose a finger (the one needed for the identification) or run out of ammunition and need to pick up another persons weapon to defend themselves or others.
  • The more complicated you make an item, the less reliable it is. A weapon needs to be dependable no matter who wields it.
  • Making a gun super safe makes people lazy and careless. Especially those that already allow children to come in contact with them, Actually increasing the danger of accidental death from a malfunction.


I think it is wonderful that this young man is trying to make the world safer. It just won’t work any better than “Gun Free Zone” signs. Criminals will find a way around it, or it will drive criminals to the more powerful military weapons that would never implement such a limiting strategy when they need a firearm for offensive or defensive use.

People are the problem. They are careless, lazy and irresponsible. That is when young lives (and adult lives) are lost. It has been found that when you “protect” people from themselves, they actually can become more reckless and dangerous.

Ever since the implementation of Airbags, seatbelts and helmets we have operated motorized vehicles with the misconception that we are “safer” so we go faster and take more chances. It is said that more pedestrians are hit crossing crosswalks than jaywalking. Why? because they lulled into a false sense of safety by having someone telling them when they could or could not cross. They stopped using common sense and looking both ways.

Personally give me a mechanical device that has worked since our ancestors. Who would want a caveman club that had to be recognized by only one member of the family to defend the family.

These are just my thoughts. Please share yours on whether you would like a smart gun or not.


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