Sunday in the South. (Trailerhood style)

Reboot, doing what she does best.

Sunday morning, the droning of what sounds like a large lawnmower stirs me from a wonderful night of slumber. It’s 8AM, everyone should be out testing their latest mode of travel, an ancient riding mower. Time for the first morning cup of coffee, and check out the noise-maker. Reboot couldn’t care less, she happily naps in the window and pretends the noise doesn’t exist. I just sit and watch for the guy to ride by, leaning outward from his seat, looking at each wheel as if he expects one to come off at any moment.

Sometimes, the weekends feel like a day from the movie, “Groundhog Day”. Cue the large menacing looking 4by4 pickup with oversized knobby tires, with the super loud muffler. He sounds like it’s doing 35 mph (ca. 56 kilometers per hour), but in reality maybe accomplishing 5 mph (8.05 km/h). Maybe the sound is to attract attention so that you notice the white 12-inch vinyl letters that are affixed to the front windshield, his last name. Hard to tell if he wants others to know it, or he can’t remember it and needs the visual prompt. I’d bet on the latter.

As I left for a trip to the store, I opted to drive through the park, instead of straight out onto the highway. Just to see what things looked like now. Neat, tidy, normal. Until, I was making the last corner and spotted the “yard light”. That is my closest guess at the function of the device. Some type of pipe/pole, about 10 feet (3.05 m) long, positioned at a 45-degree angle. Attached to this, was an indoor multi bulb chandelier. He removed it sometime in the last two days, leaving just the pole. Maybe we will get an actual picture later. Probably didn’t fair well in the last rain storm we had. I found a picture of the light fixture online at Lowes. He probably found it discarded somewhere and thought it would add some fancy ambience to the place at night.

Now, I think I will relax and enjoy the rest of this Sunday in the South. I might even find me a fancy fixture for our front yard!

Comments always welcome,

15 thoughts on “Sunday in the South. (Trailerhood style)

    1. It’s great to be back. It’s like a new world. The stress is gone, and even with rain it seems pleasant. Sometimes we don’t realize just how much stress can affect your health.

  1. Hanging a domestic light fixture outdoors sound like a recipe for disaster. And driving around with your name emblazoned on the windscreen seems more than foolish too. Still, that makes you the Einstein of your trailer park, Ron.
    As Erasmus said, “In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” 🙂 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete. There are moments, where I get the feeling I am a genius among the tribe. Then I catch myself being stumped, on whether to make my tin-foil hat pointed, or round. Thanks for the comment.

  2. How delightful to welcome you back to our crazy corner of the blogosphere. I hope you and Michelle and the dogs are all enjoying your own home after all this time.

    1. We sure are, Elizabeth. It’s great to be back. So peaceful here at night now. I can actually watch TV without distraction.
      Thanks for the comment!

  3. If you find a fancy fixture for your front yard, take a picture and post it for us. ha ha ha.

    1. That’s not a bad idea, Sandy. No doubt the manager of the park would stop by and ask. Being on the highway side of the park. This guy was towards the back and on the side. But, that is a tempting idea. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Thanks, Ellie. At least it’s not that often. On the plus side, with only 20% hearing on my left side, I can save on earplug expense.
    Thanks for the comment and suggestion. You always make me smile.

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