Sunday Summary

The picture I snapped this evening at 7pm, as dusk was setting in, almost looks like someone turned a light on in the clouds. Probably a very water saturated area of clouds reflecting the sun’s light as it set.

I was lazy today even though the weather was perfect to have cut the grass. Something about it just didn’t beckon hard enough. As a precaution, I avoided any of Michelle’s household power-tools. It would be wise to steer clear of them for a while. Many of you may remember my post last month, “Men should NOT use household power tools.” It probably would be wiser I thought, to not start the first week of April with too much excitement. I did get around to upgrading my hosting plan to better handle the blog.

So things are quiet here today. Just the female Shepherd (Midnight) doing her usual thing of intently watching Reboot. I’ll explain that at a later time. It may get lively later as some severe storms move into our area.

I sincerely hope everyone had an uneventful weekend if that is what you were going for. I want to thank all of you for coming and visiting, I appreciate each one of you and thank you for the support you have shown.

Comments welcome,

12 thoughts on “Sunday Summary

  1. Nice post! Now that is one heck of an eerie photo, Ron! To me, it looks like there’s an alien spacecraft hovering within the clouds, shining its otherworldly light through in a very diffused, shimmering manner. Cue Twilight Zone music!

    My weekend was quiet, as I am still nursing a toe that’s refusing to be normal so far. Boo hoo. But tomorrow I *must* go food shopping and have a ton of errands to do, all in one small shopping centre, at least. Still, my toe will complain, I’m sure. I will try my best to ignore it! See you!

    1. Thanks for the comment Ellie. I hope that toe gets to feeling better soon. Stay safe on the shopping trip and watch out for any spacecraft.

      1. The toe did NOT like the excursion to the shopping mall. 🙁 But I’ve given it lots of rest since, and it promises to behave itself next time.

  2. I applaud your not cutting the grass. I have successfully avoided picking up the branches I pruned from a tree weeks ago. You accomplished something nice — making me feel better.

    1. I’d heard somewhere that plants can feel, so told the wife I didn’t feel like causing misery on such a nice day. I don’t think she bought it, but the grass didn’t get cut. Thanks for the comment Anne, great seeing your smile this morning.

    1. I think I’d rather take a beating than rake leaves. It is a sure way to make it rain though. Usually, just after I get them in a pile, an unexpected rain shows up. Thanks for the like and comment this morning. Great to see you.

  3. I found your blog! My husband always cuts the lawn even when it doesn’t quite need it. Somehow it’s hardwired into his brain. We haven’t mowed this season yet although he was commenting on how green it looked. I on the other hand am hardwired to avoid electrical outdoor appliances. Way too dangerous.

    1. My Mother In Law is that way. She keeps it so low it dies out. Then she fusses because she has little grass. I’m glad you found me again Kate! Thanks for the comment this afternoon.

  4. Love that pewter sky! CH did a quick mow where the grass had threatened to get too tall. I enjoyed his mowing more than he did… 🙂 I think it was fine to be lazy about the mowing, you are going to have plenty of other chances.

    1. I was lucky to catch that since it was changing every second. That is too funny about you enjoying his mowing. I sure enjoyed that lazy day. Thanks for the comment.

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