My menu settings for the Gutenberg Editor.

After realizing many are still struggling with the block editor intimidation factor, I created a video tutorial that I hope will help some get started. Having a familiar or standard layout of things you use often is the first step in getting comfortable learning. These are the basic menu settings I use, to lessen the overwhelming options in the block editor.

If you like the video, please like and subscribe to the channel. That way you will get notifications of future videos. I may make more tutorials based on the feedback and questions left here, or in the YouTube video comments.

If this helped you, please let me know.

Comments or questions always welcome.

Modifying (adding color) a text header, in Gutenberg.

Example below.

One poor fellow, used fast-forward

I’m known for the distinction, of having produced one of the most boring videos, on how to add a graphic to your text in Gutenberg. One poor fellow, used fast-forward, to avoid falling asleep before learning how to add the graphic. It’s true, looking back it was a horrible video. I hope to add smaller, more concise videos here, on things that beginner users to Gutenberg, may find helpful.

Share your tips or shortcuts that you may have, for Gutenberg.

Comments Welcome