Apparently, Budget cuts are really tough!

I was going through some pictures tonight, and came across this one. I thought it might bring a smile to anyone that had a rough Friday. Of course nothing compares to having actually been there in person to see it.

Michelle and I had traveled to north Alabama to visit a friend of her’s. As we got closer to the lady’s home, we saw this on the side of a main two lane country road. It was near a small town of Townley that we had not yet entered.

It’s very apparent that someone in that area, has a huge sense of humor. The items are actually sitting on wooden pallets, as if it was a floor area. I didn’t partake of the facilities, mainly because they had no snack machines. 🙂

Photo taken by me


Comments welcome,

Men should NOT use household power tools.

This morning started off fairly well. That changed 4 cups of Coffee later. All that consumed caffeine in the system was  screaming for a way out, I was ready to construct (or destruct) something. Then I spotted the vacuum cleaner looking lonely on the other side of the room. The computer room (my man cave), needed a good vacuuming.

Things were going fine, that is until the vacuum developed an attitude. The vacuum is new and works fine, its one of the clear canister ones, that allows you to watch the gross stuff swirl around, like the stuff is about to come out of it. I also forgot a major rule, “Men should NOT use household power tools without supervision”.

Things were going great, then I noticed a couple of very tiny bits of paper under the desk. Of course, they were laying too close to a small power wire, you know the kind, flat smaller than a phone charger, the type easily devoured by a vacuum. So to be careful, and avoid damage to the wire, I decided to  crawl under the desk and move the wire out-of-the-way. I’m 65 years old and 220lbs. Picture that easing under a desk to do anything, okay lets not go there, the mental picture may be too much for some.

I have been known to leave out a step or two in doing something if it will save extra movements or time. I gently lay the vacuum down. Nope, I didn’t lock it in the upright position. Its laying there running, right next to the edge of the desk as I start my crawl. I know better than get down on the ground next to a running lawn-mower, not sure what possessed me to trust a household power tool, would not devour me.

I’m backing out very slowly, when the left leg of my baggy sweat pants is ingested by the vacuum. Not sure who was shocked most, me, or the cat that took off when the commotion started. All would have been fine, but I decided to temp fate and finish the destruction I had started. Again, I refer to the above rule, “Men should NOT use household power tools without supervision”. I’m halfway through vacuuming the room, and apparently, there was this loose loop of carpet fiber… I’ve seen television shows of machines weaving carpets, this is the second time I have watched a machine, ‘unweave’ a carpet. There is now a distinct line of missing carpet, about 3 feet long (I was slow hitting the foot switch). I managed to remove the huge looking crows nest off the roller.

I decided I had made enough improvements for one morning, and I would be better off not pushing my luck and end up spending the day in the Emergency  Room. I may wind up there anyway, after I tell the wife about the carpet.

Enough of the power tools for one day. I’ll spend the rest at the keyboard.

Comments welcome,

Humor in the Court! (Yes, cops are funny too)

My apologies for the grammatical errors. There are way too many run on sentences, and I should have tried harder, but got frustrated and left it as is. Try to enjoy it and I promise to do better.

Today the post is compliments of events last night, and memories. Sorry it’s a tad long, but under my self-imposed 1,000 words; for long posts.

We had company over, and the conversation turned to one of my guests having to be a witness in a civil matter. They had never been to court before, and were apprehensive about the upcoming event. I advised them to try to relax since they were going to give testimony in a matter, not answering for something they had done. Knowing I was in police work years ago someone asked if I ever had a bad court experience. I could honestly answer, “No, but I did have some fun once.”

In my 24 years on the street I had to go to court very little, other than to represent the city in giving testimony. I remember one court visit that was actually enjoyable at the end.

“That’s not mine. It’s hers”

I had stopped a vehicle for speeding, the driver was very nervous and had no ID or license. During the interaction I had to ask him out of the car, as he exited I noted a plastic baggie on the seat that had been under him. Naturally, as I retrieved the item, He declares immediately, “That’s not mine. It’s hers”, pointing to his passenger. It was crack cocaine, which resulted in his arrest. He hired an attorney claiming it was not his, he claimed his passenger was the owner of the drugs.

Circuit Court on the County level is pretty stiff shirted. We called it “Circus Court” because the attorneys are parading around, expounding on the laws and tiny details doing their best to trip up the officers and swing the case in their favor. You’ve seen the crime shows I’m sure.

I even had some fun

On this day I had to appear and give testimony that the man was actually in possession and control of a controlled substance. I was a bit put off that I had to be there. I didn’t make bad cases, and being there simply so that attorney could try to get his client off an open-and-shut case was irritating. Of course him being a local attorney we were all familiar with his willingness to accept easy money. The case was short and sweet, I even had some fun and helped lighten the mood of an otherwise grim feeling courtroom and the Judge.

My case was called and I made my way to the witness box and sworn in.  I don’t really know what the client had told his attorney, but he must have lied. It soon became clear that the defense being presented was that the man did not have possession and control over the crack cocaine.

I will just hit the two funny parts sparing us of all the technical details of why was he stopped.

Towards the end we finally received the supposedly perfect defense line from his Attorney, “My client told you his passenger was the owner of the drugs, what led you to believe he was the owner of them, there were two individuals in the vehicle. What would lead you to assign ownership and control.”
Naturally I was amazed that this was the defense he was raising. I just simply said, “When he exited the vehicle I noticed he had been sitting on them.” This led to a low giggle in the courtroom as naturally the average person assumes you in possession and control if you are sitting on something to hide it. The Bailiff naturally had to gently chastise everyone.

‘You just can’t make this stuff up!’

The second and what I felt was the funniest part, was when the attorney approached me in the witness stand to begin his questioning. He had his recorder in his hand, a  small pocket sized cassette recorder (digital ones were not common around 1996). He looked at, fiddled with the buttons then with a slightly exaggerated movement set it on the square rail of the witness box facing me. Now there is a saying, ‘You just can’t make this stuff up!’ It was as if the interaction that day between the attorney and I had been scripted for a movie.

In his best Perry Mason voice he says, “You’ll let me know if that stops recording right?” just loud enough for others to hear so he looked sophisticated and in charge. I looked at the device and noted the little wheels of the cassette in the small window were not turning as he walked away. They also did not turn as I gave my testimony. Now the use of a recorder is two fold. One, it is supposed to intimidate me or whoever is answering his questions. Two, provide him with his own recording in case he had to appeal the case and not wait for the court recorders official typed record.

At the end of his questioning and closing he walked over and picked up the recorder and asked, “Did it stop recording?” to which I plainly stated (just loud enough for others to hear), “It never started”. This resulted in open laughter from the courtroom and the judge had a small grin as he banged his gavel. The attorney looked at me and remarked, “At least your honest” knowing he had gotten the short end of a technicality. This led to another small round of giggles.

He later told me that he had it set to VOX (voice operated) but apparently he had the sensitivity too low and it never picked up enough volume to start recording as we talked.

Sometimes it’s fun to get one over your adversary, remembering those times are even better!

Comments always welcome,

I feel like an expectant Father

I haven’t made a post in a couple of days and I am dying to make one. I found this opportunity to do so as I need to update everyone on a URL change.

I decided to move my Blog to its own domain so it could run smoother and maintenance would be simpler. As it is I have two websites and an Arcade on my current host and the resources are getting a tad skimpy.

As some of you may know, you order a domain name, then you get the service you want and then the waiting game commences. Your domain name stored by Domain Name Servers (DNS) which have to propagate all over the world. When someone types in your URL it finds your domain easily. This as they say can take 24 to 72 hours.

So I have been working around the house, chomping at the bit waiting to access my new digs and get the blog transferred. I have seen it happen before in about 2-3 hours but that was long ago in a galaxy far away. So I go wash dishes, then check the DNS servers. I go weed eat the yard, then check the DNS servers. I watch TV, then check the DNS servers. I’m beginning to think that a watched domain never registers, just like a watched pot never boils as they say.

I’m sure it will kick in here soon. I have had it take 24 hours and I think I am nearing the 24 hour mark before long. I’ll make it or I’ll just have to take some medication and start learning to knit.

Anyway if any of you stop by here and my redirect doesn’t work properly when I get things transferred, The new URL will be or just  Anyone coming there from the Forum will get the proper URL by clicking on the Blog link there then you can save it or edit your current bookmark.

Here’s hoping for DNS propagation by tomorrow!

Comments welcome.