Homegrown Demolition

Burned Trailer
Not much left Photo by Ron

A few weeks ago a trailer burned here in the park. There was a tragic loss of some pets but the tenant was at work. It seems the park owner has now hired some of the locals to demolish the trailer. I am amazed at the speed at which it is progressing. They are tearing it down by hand and carting off the material in a pickup truck. A little over a week ago it was a complete single-wide 50 foot trailer with just the end burned but still had the roof intact and all the walls except for the end wall and the front side of that room was gone.

Truck leaving with trailer debris – Photo by Ron

It just seems like quite a feat to dismantle an entire trailer and move it with just a pickup truck. I think there are only 3 of them working on it. A small stature man, the park owner who is elderly, and a guy with a prosthetic leg. I hope they are getting paid decent, of course the guy paying is the same man who hires someone to scrape off the tops of the Septic tanks into the pickup you see in the picture, to avoid cost of a pumper truck.

It lends new meaning to “I helped someone move this week”.

Comments welcome,


Just another Manic Monday

Just like the song by the Bangles “Just another Manic Monday”, my Monday started off slow and quiet and quickly turned into a Manic Monday.

Last night the wife announced that she had lost an item (A Vape) that the daughter had bought her as a gift. We checked the chair she had been sitting in. We checked my office and the bedroom. I told her to calm down and I would find it tomorrow.

“That” was an experience I’d rather not dwell on.

So here we are Monday, I searched diligently all over the house. I even looked in the fridge and the chest freezer. It was driving me nuts not being able to find something slightly smaller than a cigarette pack. My next thought as I checked the chair for the 4th time was maybe she had dropped it in the garbage while putting something in there. Nope, not in the garbage. “That” was an experience I’d rather not dwell on.

The wife and mother-in-law went to town to pick up some groceries leaving me there to hunt for the missing item.

Then the Monday gets Manic. I proceed to disassemble the king size bed by myself, moving box springs and mattress off the frame for a better look, thinking one of the tiny dogs might have thought it funny to take it up in the box springs if they had made a hole. There was no hole.

Back to the living room doing my best imitation of NCIS with the bright flashlight looking under and behind everything. I search all the rooms again for the 4th time. Then I stop and just stare at the recliner that I had checked four other times by reaching deep into it’s dark innards. I sit down on the floor and with the bright light look over every nook and cranny in that mechanism of the chair. Just as I am about to give up a glimmer of something shiny catches the light.

I swear I thought I heard a chuckle

Tucked up inside a ledge nearly inaccessible without taking the chair apart with an ax sits the Vape. Using a plastic curtain rod and some choice words I manage to get to it. At one point my hand gets stuck and I think of having to sit for hours till someone comes home. I suppose the chair had enjoyed my turmoil enough for one day as my hand came free, I swear I thought I heard a chuckle, or maybe it was me.

If that wasn’t enough for one day, when the wife gets home I get her to cut my hair with the small battery operated clippers. I tell her to buzz it all off. One third through the cut and the batteries start dying. No batteries to be found so I rob the TV remote for some batteries so I won’t look like something from a Mad Max movie.

I manage to get a shower without drowning myself. I get a pair of underwear out of my drawer and note the pink tint to them. While I’m standing there looking at them in wonder, the wife says, “I meant to mention that to you, one of my red shirts faded in the wash”.

I feel a twitch developing…

Now I sit here on this Monday evening and wonder if perhaps at any moment a leg will break off my office chair, dumping me in the floor where no doubt the dogs will try to lick me to death as I lay there and cry. Then when they get me to the hospital they will discover the pink shorts. I feel a twitch developing in the corner of my eye just like Chief Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther movie.

So it was just another Manic Monday. I have four more days to go.

Comments welcome,

Trailer Park Insanity

It’s Saturday Feb 18th, it’s not a holiday of any type but there are fireworks going off just down the street. Max our German Shepard for all his bluster and ferociousness freaks out when he hears fireworks.

I had to wonder why they would decide to fire them off out of season, but then the bigger question popped in my head of where were they getting them. No stores open selling them that I know of as it is a seasonal thing. Maybe they were cleaning from a party last night and discovered them under the couch or bed, left over from July 4th or Christmas or whatever they decide is an appropriate day to scare the bejesus out of everyone.

Maybe they are re-enacting some twisted dream

It could be the unit down the street where the Confederate Flag flies. I never have been able to wrap my head around the reasoning of Flying that flag in the yard much less your vehicle. Maybe they are re-enacting some dream of the South rising again brought on my too many cans of liquid spirit, or Captain Budweiser as we like to say. Either way we close an otherwise quiet Saturday with a bang. At least they aren’t partying loud and should run out of the newly discovered pyrotechnics shortly.

Comments welcome,

Finally Friday


The day is drawing to a close on this Friday evening, even the scanner is quiet None of the fights and accidents that generally inundate the airwaves. It’s actually been a rather unremarkable week. I spent most of the day here in the office trying to get Google set up to crawl the Blog, only time will tell if I have gotten it back to working.

On another note I never realized that a German Shepherd could shed so much. If there was a market for the hair they leave on my carpet I would have some pocket change to spend on things I want without much work at all. I can fill a standard vacuum cleaner bag in under a month. I must make a note of checking on that. There seems to be a market for nearly everything these days, why not dog hair.

Okay, I’ll wrap this up and go watch some TV since the real world tonight is getting too strange for words. I just heard a Deputy unit report that he handled the disturbance he was sent to check on. He said the teenager didn’t want to clean the kitchen because she had not messed it up. She was advised by the Deputy to listen to her father. Such a waste of resources.

I think teenagers that call the authorities for something so stupid as arguing about cleaning a kitchen should be made to do community service for a good while to teach them you don’t squander law-enforcement on a spat with your parents. Of course we can thank our schools for all the teaching they do to our young teens on how to defend yourself from abusive parents.

Time to unwind for the evening in front of the TV with the dogs.

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