I’ll say Merry Christmas thank you.

Somewhere along the way our identity has been stolen from us. We are Americans and for generations  have greeted one another with Merry Christmas. We have seen that tradition slowly eroded away by New Age, New citizens and just people bored and want to try something new.

“You” came here from somewhere else or “You” decided to change your thoughts or traditions on Christmas, the rest of us did not. If you don’t like it, be polite and say thank you like all the proud Americans before you. Pretend I am saying Happy Holidays if that makes your boat float. I will not be offended if you greet me in your native tradition’s greeting. Many young American kids have died defending this country and the freedom to express ourselves as we wish, so please stop trying to make everyone conform to your thoughts on how Christmas should be.

I will greet you with Merry Christmas and a smile. I will never say Happy Holiday or call it a Holiday Tree. To do so would cheapen all the sacrifices made by great men and women to secure the right for me to say what I want.

If you’re not happy here then try moving somewhere else. I’m sure they have a nice drafty dungeon where you can shout your holiday greetings as loud as you want. Then you can thank them for being so understanding. I’m sure after a few short hours you will miss the good old USA and wish for a Merry Christmas or whatever you call it and realize that you had it so good.

Merry Christmas to all.

Comments Welcome

Are we Wimping Out?

I love America, I am still proud to be an American. I do however wonder what has become of us. Once a strong resilient Nation of people we are now getting soft and squishy. No, I’m not talking weight wise as in obesity, but mentally.

Life has hard times, that was just always part of life. We had disappointments, hurt feelings and sometimes our self esteem suffered. We grew up with “What doesn’t kill np4byyou only makes you stronger”. This didn’t mean just physical injury, you could get lumps and bruises and learn and become stronger from the experience. It developed a strong mindset to try your best. “Get up, brush yourself off and get back on that bike.” Was the spirit taught to young children. It taught us that if we want to achieve we must work for it and not just give up at the first defeat.

Sure there are tragic moments to be sure when we need to talk to someone. Priests and Family members were generally there (and still are). The only counselors we knew about really growing up were “career counselors” in school. The adults used marriage counselors, financial counselors etc.

Enter the Wimps. Somewhere along the line after surviving Dr. Spock who helped us raise children that were next to mongols giving them anything they want and more rights than the parents, we slipped into the ultimate emotionally coddling. Again there are times when you need counseling, but not for every thing that occurs in your life that upsets you.

Emotional Extremist
They are ruining a once strong country. Although they do nothing in their activist role to aid the mentally unstable, they fawn over those that have been exposed to any type of upset. We recently witnessed “Service Dogs” 25 of them I think were deployed to the White House of our country to help calm the emotions of those who’s party had lost the election. Children being given counseling in school because of the outcome of an election.

We have taken emotional upset to a new level. Children compete on the playing field. crybabyThe winning team gets a trophy. Guess what, the losing team also gets a trophy. Sometimes each child receives a trophy or certificate for having “participated”. So you really don’t have to try to achieve recognition for something, you will be rewarded whether you put forth your maximum effort or just coast along through a game. What does that teach them. In the golden days the losers brushed themselves off and vowed to win that trophy or certificate for a skill and recognition next time.

A tragic accident takes the lives of several students over a weekend. The school nearly shuts down and is inundated with “paid” grief counselors and many times the entire school is required to attend to be helped over the grief whether you knew the students or not. Gone are the moments of silence and reflection that made us strong by dealing with it on our own.

It is a real and devastating condition caused by traumatic experience that a person can’t cope with. Soldiers returning from war suffer from PTSD many times. Some do and some don’t. They have seen horrible things that most should never have to witness.

Enter the extreme emotional  hawkers. I spoke with a person last year that was an Ambulance driver. They were suffering from what they said was “PTSD” and were seeking permanent disability due to the things they had seen as an Ambulance person.

Here’s a thought, get off your butt and get some counseling and stop trying to ride the government payment system.

I knew one guy personally that was just a mean drunk, always had been. So after his deployment to the war and back his “acting out” was attributed to PTSD. This cheapens a serious condition that some need real treatment for and it siphons money from an already strained coffer just so a mean drunk can dodge a jail sentence for wrecking the inside of a McDonald’s Hamburger joint because he was drunk and upset they weren’t waiting on him fast enough.

Or my former neighbor a young lady of about 23 who got drunk each weekend and partied causing noise on the street. After I called the Police one night she came with one of her drunk male buddies and knocked on my door and asked if I had called the Police, she apologized for the noise and rowdiness and said she was just unwinding from her tour in the war and her stress disorder. She had returned 8 months prior. “I served my time and now I’m home unwinding”.

I guess I was cruel, I told her she was a disgrace to the service to use an excuse like that to party and disturb others. I told her I had served my time also but it was here in the city as a cop dealing with people just like her and I shouldn’t have to deal with her now that I am retired. We didn’t have any more parties or trouble from her once she was told her “excuse” for bad behavior was not being accepted.

How about Police Officers, I have never known one that suffered from PTSD and they see horrible things almost daily. How about Doctors and Nurses. What if most of our society decides they need to be awarded PTSD because they have been traumatized and just stop working. Pretty soon our whole nation will just sit down and decide everything is too traumatic and we need to be excused from life and draw a check till the government goes broke from no one working.

I guess I am just tired of people that use excuses and those that use those people to make money. Will it ever stop?

What are your thoughts, is the counseling and PTSD diagnosis being overly done? Or am I just an old Grinch.

“A Hard Day” is relative.

Ever think about how hard your day is going. I was having one such day about two months ago when I noticed at the back of our lot in the ‘neutral zone” outside our fence the local helper cleaning out the septic tank. Or what our landlord of the trailer park calls his version of cleaning it out. He has this poor fellow scrape just enough off the top to allow it to function another year.

No gloves, no face mask and getting paid a whopping $60 to use a pick and shovel and crowbar to dig up the lid by himself and shovel poop off the top into the back of the Trailer Park pickup truck to be hauled off to who knows where and dumped. The poor guy shovels, shudders, stifles back throwing up and jerks uncontrollably from the smell (frame stutter is from the webcam) and digs some more as I watch. I kept waiting for the cigarette he was smoking to set off drifting methane gas but it didn’t happen thank goodness. Imagine where all that gunk would have gone!

It must take a special kind of cheap to enlist another human being to do such a thing to save money on a real septic cleaning service.

So on your next “Hard Day” drop back by here and check him out. You just might get a new perspective.

Comments welcome,

Grown up to childlike in 0.75 seconds… Go!

Okay, so I’m bored at times while I sit here in the Forum Office and just think. Michelle says I’m dangerous when I think and that I shouldn’t do it too often. She sometimes sneaks up and closes the office door lest I share some of my crazy brain concoctions with her or the Dog.

I fill the silence of the day with a radio scanner. I have it set to listen to the law-scanerenforcement contingent in the area, and the FRS (Family Radio Service). You know, those cute little radios you can buy at Wal-Mart and other places to communicate to one another while on trips or at the Mall with the kids etc. It seems that the Dollar General about 2 hundred yards down the road uses them for the employees. The school about 100 yards in the other direction use them.

If you ever want to witness grown adults going from adulthood to childhood in about 0.75 seconds, which is the average reaction time from deciding on an action (pressing the talk button) and execution, listen to the FRS radio frequency in your area. Teachers, employees get goofy when they think they have a toy and no one hears them.
redneckfireworksThe best one is apparently the Power Plant some 3 miles away as the crow flies. Now if it went “boom” it is said it could wipe out a good chunk of real estate around it.

Imagine the scary chuckle I hear when someone says, “Hey Joe, I just checked this thing-a-muh-jig with the pressure reading and It looks high but I don’t understand it so you need to check it.” Or, “Hey, I need someone down here to look at this valve that seems to be spraying some caustic type of fluid.”  Of course some of the Dollar General radio conversations are quite funny also.

Nothing like cheap entertainment. Comments welcome.