Livestreaming for fun.

I have always wanted to set up a camera, just to watch different birds up close. Now, I can share the birds with those that enjoy just watching them. Of course, a recording of the live stream will be on YouTube as well, for those that enjoy watching small birds work on their nest. I set the camera up this morning, Starting when she left the nest, it took about 15 minutes to install the webcam. As soon as I was through and back in the office, she reappeared working steadily.

This little bird (I think a sparrow?) has been working all morning. The previous owners said they removed the nest several times during the year, but they keep rebuilding it each time. There is another nest built in the opposite corner of the porch roof about 8 feet away. It is about three inches taller. When we moved here it had five eggs in it. Apparently unfertilized and left by the previous occupant that season.

It’s a Monday morning, sunny and a pleasant 57F. I think I am going to enjoy watching this little family grow. As I said, bird identifications is not my forte, so if anyone knows what type this is, please let me know. I’m guessing a sparrow. I may add a small paper or plastic ruler to the wall above the nest to give some sense of size.

The view will cycle from time to time, but always have a small view of the birds, until something interesting occurs. Most of the time, it will be the little bird.

For fun, suggest a name for the nest, and bird if you’d like. Subscribe, if you’d like to know when the feed goes live each time.

Comments, always welcomed.