Changes, Life in the Slow Lane.

Things are changing here, in the trailerhood. The ex-maintenance man looks older and very tired, as he sits on a tree stump near the edge of the roadway. He’s there every morning just before the sun rises. Waiting for his ride to work. He always worked hard around here, doing things others would never do for a paltry sum.

Since virtual school started, you don’t see as many kids waiting for the school bus. There are just two that catch the bus currently. I guess many have moved out of the park.

We have some great people in our little cluster near us. The folks behind us, across from us, and the guy next door, are all great people, hard workers. Considerate of others. The type anyone would want as neighbors.

Across the way about 2 units down, there is a unit with kids, and the father works on vehicles near the back door. He seems to work all the time in evenings and weekends. You’ll see his work light shining from under a vehicle he is working on. I guess they are side jobs, besides his regular employment. You never hear noise from there as he works. I haven’t seen him, or any vehicles that he might be working on in days. I hope they are alright.

Me? I’m sitting here watching the traffic out front. Sipping some warm coffee, and rubbing the head of my faithful dog. He likes to stand next to me and rest his chin on the desk and peer out the window.

I suppose it’s time for me to get a second cup of coffee, and start planning my day. I hope your day is a great one.

Soggy Saturday, and Streaming (YouTube)

It seems we are getting a rain band, from the tropical disturbance that has made its way into MS. We have a tornado watch for the entire state of Alabama, today. I’m enjoying the slow sleepy rain and the cloud cover. If I can’t have Fall right now, at least I can enjoy slightly cooler temps.

Mad as a “Wet Hen”

I was just getting ready, but not quite set up yet to stream to You
Tube, when a girl came walking down the front drive dripping wet, in what was a moderate rain failing at that moment. She looked pretty angry. Probably a wife, or late teen that had just finished an argument with someone, and walked off. Here’s hoping she has a big towel once she calms down.


Grandson, who is nine, spent the night with us and he and I made some fun T-Rex cutouts. He gets a kick out of them, walking around the office watching the illusion of them following him with their head and eyes.

I watched this video on exactly how to fold them.

Live-Steaming Experiment

I’m still trying my hand at live-streaming. I find it hard to just talk to myself, as if I’m talking to others. They say that is what you have to get used to, until you get some followers that happen across your stream and become semi, or regular watchers. It will be a fun experiment. After all, I blogged for about four years or so, until I found all of you on the WordPress community, through the WordPress Reader.

You never know what people are interested in. Myself, I find it entertaining to just drop in on YouTubers, that have someone talking about current events, and they answer questions posed in the chat box. Those can be interesting. I’m not into conspiracy streams, there is enough in life without all that. It takes all walks of life, to do streams. Some are instructional, some are just to keep others company I suppose.

I come across some, that are just gamers that stream the game play as they are playing. Many of them play for hours. There are actually people that frequent the streams, and chat. Maybe they just enjoy the friendship, and interaction. Some like watching aquariums, or squirrels from time to time. My squirrels, have vacated the area. I observed two a couple of days ago on the porch rail, but they never went to the food bowl.

Time to get back to browsing the Internet, listening to the police scanner. Perhaps something will come up here in the park, or within driving distance that I can make material of.

Comments always welcome.

When the Repo Man needs saving. (Trailerhood Tales)

Well, it would seem our little park may be waking up. The rougher element may be creeping back into the area. Some people keep their cool better than others, and some excel in showing their rough redneck side. No offense to true rednecks that work hard. In this area of the south, it refers to rednecks that work when they have too, drink as much as possible, and generally don’t need rules to go by.

I feel sorry for those that have trouble finding work, or can’t do any better due to other factors holding them down. Heck, truth be know, I’m probably a few shingles shy of being in a bad spot myself. Some people, maybe because of the stress of what they are dealing with, just seem to forget other people and don’t consider that making noise at 2am might disturb others, that have to work, or may be sick.

I was shaken from my slumber by the dogs barking a few nights ago. Seems someone had broken down in front of our place. Slamming vehicle doors, talking loudly even though they were standing next to one another, and the loud sound of a hood being closed forcefully will do that. Apparently someone leaving the park had vehicle trouble, and had to call someone to assist them. They also really need a muffler as a Christmas present.

Then, the next morning at 4am the same vehicle breaks down on the way “into” the park, you guessed it, right in front of our house. This time they abandon the vehicle and leave talking or arguing loudly.

Yesterday, I hear a call to the county sheriff, regarding a Repo Man trying to repossess a vehicle on the back row. He was being threatened by the current owner of said vehicle. He told the dispatcher he would meet the deputies at the Dollar General just down the street. About 1 minute later, a call goes out, that the repo man can’t meet them at the Dollar General, as he is not being allowed to leave by the person he is dealing with. I started to walk around that way to see if there was any video worth catching, but decided I didn’t need any ventilation added to my body, if things really got worse.

I never did hear how it turned out. Obviously this person wasn’t going to give up his unpaid for vehicle, and had done his own Repo, of the repo man. Have you ever had the great pleasure of witnessing this stuff?

Comments, always welcome.

Sunday, Life in the Trailerhood.

It’s eight am. All is quiet as a gentle breeze wafts the smell of burning dog sh–, I mean, poop, burning in a 55 gallon barrel from three units down. I can’t understand for the life of me, why she does that. Unless she has some twisted affinity for that sick smoky odor. Then I remember, this is the lady I met at the mail boxes once. If you missed that post, it’s a must-read.

Looking out the window of my office into the neighbors’ yard, I can see a yellow and white Cat apparently rummaging through the grass for insects. A stark contrast to the beautiful pink roses 10 feet away. Probably dropped off here by some heartless soul. The cat just meandered down the area between the fences of 4 units, so the area now sounds like a humane shelter on full alert.

Whiskey Girl

However, the day is sunny and beautiful and I have my office critters keeping me company. Reboot is in her box on the short file cabinet to my left. Whiskey Girl, my pet rat of 3 years, is lounging between the printer and wall on her stuffed toy. She goes to sleep there at times on the toy. Yes, she’s spoiled.

YouTube and Netflix, lord help me..

The self-quarantine continues, day after day. I think I have seen everything to see of value on Netflix. I’ve taken to watching YouTube, lord help me. Have a great Sunday, stay safe and be well. I’ll be here, “One step ahead of the Reaper”.

Okay, maybe it will be getting interesting around here soon. I just observed a Harley leaving out, driven by someone actually wearing “Colors” of some biker club. Then a small white car that sounded like a large bumblebee, riding on four of the orangest (is that a word?) wheels I have ever seen. Think four giant fluorescent orange life-savers on a vehicle as wheels.

Comments welcome,