The Cure, is worse than the Cold. It’s true.

Whoever coined that phrase, made an understatement of biblical proportions. 2 months I have been getting back on track, from being overly medicated. It really sucks getting old. I turned 66 on the 16th. Two months ago, I told the doctor that the medicine just didn’t seem strong enough, I was still lethargic and not feeling like doing anything.

So they basically tripled it. Maybe I need to check and see if there is a contract out on me. My mouth swelled up, till my teeth were driving me nuts irritating my inside cheeks. My Vision was doubled, no coordination. I developed the shakes so bad, I could have moonlighted as a paint shaker at Wal-Mart. Checking back with the doctor they found me so giddy, that they sent me for an MRI that day, to rule out a stroke. I tried getting on the computer, I would forget from one page to the next, what I was trying to do.

I do remember sitting here looking at my arm one night, and nearly panicked at how old my arm and hand looked. Now that was as weird as I ever want to be again.

After a month now, things are clearing. It was just one more bump in the road of life.  I have been visiting and reading blogs, and commenting from time to time. I’ve missed all of you, but I’m glad I refrained from writing during that time. Judging by what Michelle related to me, there is no telling what I may have written. They gave me a steroid shot in the hip, Michelle said I looked at the nurse, and told her “If that takes much longer, I’m going to start twerking”.

I’m back, I just checked the rear-view mirror and all my ducks seem to be in a row now. Some are a little off center, but they are there and following.


15 thoughts on “The Cure, is worse than the Cold. It’s true.

  1. Well, Ron, that explains your absence! I am also 66, (March 1952) so feel your pain. I didn’t get what you did, but Vertigo and eye problems take their toll. Luckily, nothing has stopped me blogging, so far, so you may not have been yourself at all.
    Nice to see you back, and hoping for a full recovery.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks Pete. It was difficult for a bit, striking the wrong keys. I spent more time correcting than typing, so I decided to just wait it out and read.

  2. Hey, Ron! Happy to hear you are on the mend!
    Some medications have terrible side-effects. My dad was put on a few cholesterol drugs that gave him short term memory loss, extreme lethargy and extreme muscle aches. As soon as he went off it, the symptoms disappeared.

  3. I am so sorry that you have been through the wringer with meds. I am so looking forward to your posts and have definitely missed them. The other day my husband had a bug go in his ear and naturally I thought of you and that boy.

    1. Right you are, it was sort of like, Here, Take these and lets see what happens. It was a really wild time for a bit. I too thought they should be eased into and out of.

  4. Ron,
    I am glad you are ok . I am sorry I didn’t write to ask if you were ok since I missed posts from you. Maybe you need to write in detail about your experiences with the medicines so others know what to look out for and you know what you have gone through and how strong you really are.

  5. What a bump in the road! Seems to me the road was twisting and turning with you trying to keep your balance. I’m so glad you are better. Wonderful to have you back. Greetings to Michelle.

  6. OMG Ron! So sorry to hear of this. I had a feeling there was something not right, probably health-wise, for you to be AWOL for this amount of time. Well it’s good to see you again but please take care of yourself – as you seem to be doing… just keep doin’ it! We need you! Miss hearing about your crazy neck of the woods!! 😉

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