The Hurricane hit us. Heavy damage.

After I signed off last night. The main part hit around 2am while I was still up watching TV. Severe damage to the trailer. Office wall was blown in almost 3 inches in one spot. Fortunately it was raining little during the wind part. No stuff in the office lost.

Most shingles blown off, Too much damage for Michelle and I. Son came over, cut up what he could off the power lines, we still have power until the power company comes out to turn it off for safety. There is structural damage in the walls, and the trailer may have moved on the foundation blocks. The insurance was stopped as the home had reached un-insurable age. (1988).

Trees are down all over, one family had to crawl out at 2am as a tree fell through their living room. 

We have tarps up over the exposed walls. 

I will be sporadic online in and out, while we try to figure out what to do. 

There has been a Go Fund Me set up if you know anyone that might want to donate. Please share if you can, on your Facebook, Michelle is devastated to say the least, but we are alive.

Go Fund Me  for Ron and Michelle.

We’re alive, that’s what counts.

34 thoughts on “The Hurricane hit us. Heavy damage.

  1. Oh Ron, I don’t know what to say my friend. I feel for you both, I really do. It looks absolutely awful.
    I am not on Facebook, but will share on Twitter. Unfortunately, I live on a retirement pension, and sometimes have trouble finding the money to keep my old car going. Otherwise, I would send something. You will have to hope that I win the lottery on Saturday.
    My thoughts are with you.

    1. The thoughts and prayers are a gift, Pete. We have been so busy finding a place, and getting moved. I have not had time to sit down for any length of time, to respond to everyone. I tried on the phone, but that was a mess. Thanks for the thoughts. You don’t know what all of you have meant to me during this time.


  2. You have our love, prayers and some of our money. May you find a dry warm spot to land in. You have been an invaluable partner in my blogging life.

    1. You have been a joy as well, Elizabeth. Thanks so much for being here. We found a dry spot to land in, and things seem to be falling into place. Without the thoughts and prayers, and funding from those fortunate enough to be able to help, there is no telling how bad this could have been.


    1. Yes, we were more fortunate than some. One couple had to crawl out of their squashed trailer at 2am that morning. I still don’t know how our power stayed on long enough for us to gather our things. Two 6 inch limbs had the power lines to the house, stretched as tight as guitar strings.

  3. Mother Nature is on a tear this year with all her destructive ways. I am sorry to hear about the damage incurred but glad to hear you and Michelle were not harmed … hopefully your faithful canine companion is likewise unharmed. Good luck to you in getting everything repaired and shored up.

    1. Mother Nature, has really been on a tear this year. This was the second hurricane we sat through, and we are 200+ miles inland. Max, was not a happy canine with all the noise during the storm, but he stayed next to me the whole night. We were unable to justify restoring the damage. We have found another place, in a much better situation. We are hoping to buy this one in a couple of years. It’s a house, in a small city about 10 miles from the original location. An actual house, that is in good shape. No crazy neighbors either.

      1. That’s good news Ron – you were safe and Max too as you weathered hurricane #2 despite all the damage to the trailer. A house will be a better situation for you down the road after this monumental hurricane season … I heard today with Iota, it is the 30th named storm. Climate change will likely continue to make more hurricanes, so you will be safer and no crazy neighbors is good too. You’ll have to start a new blog now!

    1. They say, sometimes things happen for a reason. Some call it fate, others providence. Whatever it was that allowed us to weather the storm, and things fall into place to provide a safe, secure, and smooth transition into the next phase of our life, I am truly thankful for. Just as I am so thankful for all of you here.


  4. Omigosh Ron!!! How awful! You must’ve been terrified with the wind shrieking around you and stuff falling off – thank goodness you’re physically ok, both of you!! No insurance, ugh! Ay yi. Hope you get help you need!!

    1. It got pretty dicey there for a bit. Especially when I observed the wall towards the storm push inwards by about 5 inches or so.

      It seems that the old man we bought the double wide from, had one of those “good ole boy” agreements with an old friend of his, who was the insurance agent. When the old gentleman passed away a few months ago, we learned it the insurance was being cancelled “due to age of the structure”. Hence, no insurance. We also learned after this storm. That he had put new vinyl siding on the trailer before putting it up for sale. Thereby hiding much of the wood rot that was discovered post storm.

      Thanks for thinking of us, Ellie. We appreciate all that everyone has done. We are happy to be alive, and in an actual home now, even if it means monthly payments we had just gotten rid of. At least this home needs no repairs, and is in decent shape, in a quiet area, and just the room we need. I will share more about it as we get settled in better.


      1. Oh lord! Hidden defect, you could maybe sue the seller – if you didn’t have so much on your plate already!
        I’m so happy to hear you’re ok, and in a house in a quiet area! Soon you’ll be back in the “slow lane” again, sipping a mint julep on the porch, maybe. If you have a porch. ??
        All the best to you both!!

    1. I certainly will. Still unpacking things, and trying to get the household set up. I will share pictures of the new place as soon as we get caught up.


  5. I’m happy to hear you and Michelle are ok! I think you are right; things (which initially seem horrible) do happen for a reason. I’m so happy to hear that you found new and much better home! Best wishes!

  6. It just seemed to happen, and things fell into place with the help of everyone. We had bought the double wide in hopes of remodeling, but as time went on, and I had the major heart attack, there just wasn’t money nor strength to do most of it. So we were pretty much stranded in the trailer park, with no hope of saving enough to get out of there with the trailer.

    So it seems that this thing happened for a reason. We live through it, and in a safer, better condition place.

    Naturally, Karma is keeping me in her thoughts. She left a parting shot. 3 days after getting here, the hot water tank developed a very small drip/leak. That is something the kids and I can handle replacing. Since we are leasing with option to buy, we are responsible for that. As they say, “That’s just a hill, to a mountain climber”.

  7. Thank goodness you discovered the leak before it became a major problem!. As I found out rather quickly when I bought my little house, there were things that fell apart immediately. The former owner paid someone who was highly unskilled to do some cosmetic repairs; all of which had to be replaced.

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