The Troll strikes again?

In the “You just can’t make this stuff up” department today we have our Trailer Park Owner whom I refer to as “The Troll” due to his disposition most times you meet him.

This adventure involves a “tale” that I had been told by a neighbor shortly after moving in. The fella in a conversation about anything odd in the park related that the park owner sometimes has the septic tanks cleaned out by the resident flunky who lives on a back street of the park. He claimed that it would stink for days. Readytroll-1 for the reason?

Neighbor says the flunky digs down to the access area, scoops out or bails out with 5 gallon buckets the upper area of the tank and transports it in the back of the owners pickup to an undisclosed location for dumping. He says the stench is horrible for days as it is cleaned out.

I remember the owner saying something about having been fined by the EPA for dumping waste in a ditch on his land, but didn’t know about the septic tank method until just a short time ago. I assumed he meant junk like lumber and other household stuff when he cleaned out a rental unit. I do now remember him grumbling that day about stiff fines he had but I just thought again that he was talking about smelly clothes or garbage.

Surely the EPA, County Health Department or someone has a regulation against scooping out septic tanks and dumping it in ditches. I am going to look into it. My luck will be he donates to some county official’s campaighn during elections and is a good ole boy of the system. Otherwise why would he continue to do something like this. Unless heaven forbid there is nothing that regulates how it is done.

I’ll have to look into it and find out. If any of you have ever dealt with or know if Septic tanks have to be serviced by licensed persons let me know.

Comments are welcome

6 thoughts on “The Troll strikes again?

    1. Yes, your right. They finished it yesterday and covered it back up so it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Of course the guy doing the work for $100 (I over heard him) of shoveling out about a foot of sewage into the back of a pickup truck didn’t enjoy it too much.
      As I thought, calling the state regulation department over septic tanks resulting in what I guessed. Alabama has no Law or Regulation that is enforceable. Just some made up “commissions or boards” that oversee that stuff and make idle threats. Only if it is a health hazard, or nuisance can action under other codes be taken. As I have always said, “Alabama, the best Politicians Money can buy!”

  1. Whew !
    I can’t believe this is 21st century America. Even in India, the toilet cleaners went out in the 1950s or thereabouts.
    Why is sewage disposed this way in trailer parks ?

        1. No, he probably wouldn’t be around long. Someone would dump him in that smelly truck. We’re hoping the new manager he hired will use a service, but I doubt it.

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