Trailer park Life Rebooted.

It’s been sometime since I have posted about Trailer Park life and I apologize. It’s not the fact that nothing has gone on because it has, I guess I have just been lazy. I think it will be fun to chronicle the happenings here, sort of like a neighborhood newspaper. I’m not saying it’s weird, but when the US Postal service won’t deliver a package to your door and you have to drive 5 miles to pick it up, that says something.

We had one young couple walking along snatching one another and cursing. Someone was seeing someone, and one was working and one wasn’t”t on and on ad-nausea. When I thought it would come to blows I finally called the Sheriff. Naturally by the time the Deputies arrived the couple had moved across the three lane highway. Upon seeing the patrol vehicles coming, they decided to hold hands. According to the Police Scanner, “Nothing was wrong they were just taking a walk”. A vehicle just happened to arrive at that time to give them a lift.

I can’t wait till around July,when the landlord has the resident work person, a small frail looking guy, scoop out the top of the septic tanks with a shovel, and load it in a pickup truck to be dumped somewhere. The guy wears a kerchief around his face and scoops a shovel full, tosses it in the bed of the truck, does an all over body shudder, and repeats.

Always something interesting around here.

Comments welcome

2 thoughts on “Trailer park Life Rebooted.

  1. Must be an Alabama thing. I lived in trailer parks here in Michigan for 20 years. Never had things like that happen here.

  2. I have seen some classier ones and I tried to check this one out by driving through on a Friday and Saturday evening. It was always quiet. It isn’t rough all the time, just once in a while they have a little too much spirits on the back side and get a little wonky I guess.

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