Trailer Park Living. “How do I hate thee? Let me count the days”.

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Hello everyone, It has been a while since I pounded these keys. Most recent news? It looks as though it may take a little longer than I had planned, till we extricate ourselves from this encampment. Once we get out of here, I’ll sleep under a bridge, before I try another trailer park. This is a culture of its own. 

Since the last posts here, I have met some true crazies, crooks, and strange people. You just can’t make this stuff up.  I’m looking forward to getting back in here, and bringing things up to speed. YouTube boy is currently sharing Youtubes, with friends at the Juvenile Detention Center. I’m not quite sure, but maybe something is really bugging him. Most of the people with school age children have moved on. We’re not sure where Johnny Reb has ended up. There is one story that I am following, that is so convoluted it would take a team of psychiatrist to unravel, if they didn’t lose their own minds first.

So till I take a stroll today, and see if there’s any material for the blog, I’ll sign off from the Twilight Zone.

Comments always welcome,

18 thoughts on “Trailer Park Living. “How do I hate thee? Let me count the days”.

  1. Ron, all I can say is that there has got to be a novel in your trailer park experience. I expect it would be dark and gothic or dark, quirky comedy. As you’ve said, you can’t make this stuff up.
    I hope things get settled for you quickly and we hear from you soon.

    1. Things are settling down some now. I have some notes I jotted down, the notes just seem so disjointed, as I don’t know how to try to convey the story. It has more twists, than a bag of Twizzlers candies.

    1. Yes, so do I Morgaine. I guess I waited too late in life to experience this. I can handle it though. I just smile at it. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Thanks Anne. Smooth or rough, as long as you have love, hope, and good friends, you can’t go wrong. Thanks for the comment, I’ll be by to see everyone. It has been crazy here, I moved my forum to another server and it took me a bit. See you soon.

  2. You stories are always fascinating to me, as I cannot imagine the frustrations of having to live like that. Our neighbour was recently working on his car until 9 pm on a summer evening, and we thought it was outrageous. I was just about to go and complain, when he stopped. Compared to Trailer Park life, that was a tiny annoyance indeed.
    Keep the stories coming, Ron. You are doing valuable work, showing the side of American life that is not all about southern California, or New York City. The ‘real America’, where most people actually live.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks Peter. It is truly a culture of it’s own. We have one that passes by in the morning, and then at night. Apparently going to and from work, with Bass thumping so hard it rattles windows. At least it is not real early or late. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Great to see that smile! I’ve always told myself, you either go with the flow and look for a safe place to disembark, or wear yourself out trying to fight the current. I’ll be by to see you real soon. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Night time annoyances here are the sounds of the corn growing and the tassels of silk blowing in the wind. An occasional shotgun blast from someone’s bean field to ward off the hungry deer stirs the air on occasion. Most farmers have DNR permits for that sort of thing.

    Wishing you the best as you experience Hell on Earth. Semper Fi!

    1. That is what we once had way out in the country side. Deer running through the front yard in groups of 10. Owls at night calling. The occasional Wolf, and even a Cougar once on our 5 Acres, now that scream will get your attention. I agree with you, the local sounds can be beautiful, I used to sit on the deck and listen to the wind in the pines. Thanks for the comment Rooster, it is most welcome.

  4. I am always relieved when you post after an absence. I hope your health has stabilized. I am sorry for you that you have to stay longer in the trailer park, but glad for my chance to hear more horror stories. I am not surprised by the You Tube boy ending up in juvie. His mother’s neglect was bound to lead to such a result.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. The overly medicated days are over now. I thought it would’ve happened sooner, but at least it happened. I will make the time here bearable, by sharing with those of you that enjoy the antics of the park denizens. Thanks for the nice comment Elizabeth, very sweet of you.

  5. Yep, as others have said, I definitely see a memoir in the cards for you. Just think of it as a whole whack o’ blog posts typed end to end. I can tell you: it is cathartic.

    I wrote a memoir but focused on just one decade – when I worked in the film/TV biz, as a script coordinator. It was cool cuz it had a natural beginning, middle and end.

    Think about it. Your writing is very catchy and evocative; your thoughts are interesting, your life is a bit of a wild ride NOW, and I’ll bet you have GREAT stories from when you were a cop, back THEN. Not to mention the whole disaster when you & Michelle lost everything, and rose again like the phoenix. I see a *wonderful* book there, Ron.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Ellie. I’ll have to post the piece I did regarding our loss of everything. The grammar may not be the best, the overall story may be interesting or fun some to read. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

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