Vaping, new fad or death sentence.

I have watched this Fad for the last three years as Vape shops spring up all around us. Kids, or young adults puffing on their Vape Pipes because they think it is cool. They also say it is not smoking which in a technical sense they are correct.

Where is the wisdom in inhaling atomized water vapor filled with chemicals for artificial images (2)
color and flavor. I am transfixed at the ones that always take it to the limit with anything. So they add modified “Tanks” to the devices for that ultimate super huge cloud of vapor they can exhale and impress one another. Some of the tanks even in this area have exploded in the faces of the users as they tweak the voltages and capacity of the Tanks, which are really nothing more than a small steam generator in front of your face. What could possibly go wrong with that idea.

Looks like it’s here to stay for a while, but I still maintain that it will be found to cause health problems in the near future. After all, some of that vapor artificial flavor and colors will remain in the lungs and build up over time. The users aren’t Rocket Scientist by any stretch and fail to see that ingesting heavy amounts of water vapor directly into the lungs might be hazardous.

I also get really ticked off at those that think by Vaping they can skirt the laws and rules of others. Some Vapes contain Nicotine so please don’t fire that thing up in my house where I prohibit smoking and try to tell me it is just a harmless Vapor. If I wanted to smoke, Vape, or set myself on fire I would do it myself.

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