Weekend activity heating up.

Well after a quiet Friday night out here in the country things have picked up all day for a Saturday. Fires in the field, fires on the interstate medians, house fire in town, some fights and several wrecks one of which ejected all four occupants of one vehicle, two were children. At least the children were not severely injured we’re told.

Can’t wait to see what the night brings it being hot and now a slight sprinkle has made it muggy. Alcohol and heat, two things that don’t mi well. Maybe we will get lucky and have a calm Saturday night. We certainly don’t want people getting hurt.

I programmed in the frequencies of the FRS (Family Radio Services) today and was
scaneramazed at how many use them for traveling and business. Some of the frequencies are reserved for business but I heard many people on there that apparently were oblivious to that fact. Channels 8-14 are for low power unlicensed communication. The names they come up with on some businesses to call one another makes you laugh. On the other side I got more information from those traveling near the wreck today than from the excited shouting of the emergency crews. Never have figured out why they think they need to shout into the radios to communicate.

Best of luck to all while I sit here and contemplate the day that has passed and reflect on all that has transpired.

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