Weekend Started with a Bang! (Trailer Park Tales)

Our weekend starts on Friday around these parts. Some Park Denizens get an early start by calling out of work, that way they can start the happy juice consumption early. It has been active since yesterday with different things occurring.

I’m normally a calm person. My situational awareness has always been excellent, probably due to the years in police work. You normally can’t sneak up on me and startle me, loud noises don’t bother me. Since Friday, there has been a weird feeling, almost like some dark energy is hovering over the Park. For the first time in years I have been jumpy. It may be one of the new medications they started me on, or I’m just not as “cool” as I once was. Even my dogs are conspiring to see if they can contribute to the jumpiness.  So let us get started.

Friday morning, shouts from down the street, and spinning tires, caught my attention. The scanner on the desk revealed that the strange guy two doors down, that has the rebel flag in his yard, had called reporting there was a man and woman in his home with 2 children refusing to leave. I don’t know if they were relatives, or friends.

Friday evening another call goes out from a mother, in the back area, of the park, that had signed a warrant on her 27 year old son. He had returned to her residence and was arguing with her. Her Son takes off running down the street just as deputies arrive. He only makes it to the Dollar General Store where he is captured. Maybe he was looking for cheap justice. I could hear my ex-partner in my mind saying, “Don’t run, you’ll just go to jail tired.”

Later Friday night a call about someone burning obnoxious smelling material. The caller told 911, If they didn’t send someone out, they were going to kill the offender. Deputies came, no one killed.

That keeps you on edge, I don’t have to listen to the scanner, but if there is weird stuff happening, then I want an edge if some crazy that has just been in an altercation, bangs on my door frantically wanting to borrow the phone. That was enough for one day.

This morning, Saturday, I’m sitting here reading blogs and a HUGE boom is heard right outside. Something about that awful sound put me on edge, I was full-blown fight or flight. My first thought was someone fired a magnum sized pistol, or shotgun very close, or it was a huge impact of vehicles on the highway outside. Or, it could be 2 doors in the other direction where they man makes knives on a homemade forge. It may have blown up. Turns out it was a power transformer that blew the fuse on the pole. For those that don’t know. The “link” in the line is opened by the firing of a 410 shotgun shell charge that forces it apart to break the circuit.

I get back inside to the safety of my office and try to relax. Max and Midnight our male and female Shepherds are tussling on the floor behind me. I admonish them a couple times. Let me set this up some, I have a donated office chair that the MIL didn’t want after buying another one. It’s a nice chair, it has one little thing wrong. It has a pneumatic shock that you can adjust up and down for comfort. The lever is located on the right side under the seat. With age apparently the locking spring has weakened. You are supposed to set the height, push the lever in, and it locks in a notch so it can’t be bumped to let all the air out of the shock at once. Apparently they didn’t design it for rambunctious large dogs playing near.

They had once again started the wrestling match just behind me. I sat back in the chair and was about to shout at them to stop, when the world apparently dropped 10 or so inches. I swear I thought it was 10 feet. One of them had managed while wrestling below the chair, to strike the lever just right, unlocking and lifting it releasing the compression fully.

I decide to sit down in the living room and watch some TV on the 50inch. I lean back, let out a deep breath as I relax, and I turn it on. It winks/blinks at me and goes dark after selecting different. I check it as best I can, and can hear Doctor McCoy of Star Trek in my head saying “It’s dead Jim.” I suppose I can take comfort that it didn’t give a loud pop and smoke when it went out.

I’m recovering somewhat as I post this, but I swear,  if it gets any crazier around here, the laptop and I are going to the closet. Michelle can slide snacks under the door.

Comments welcome,

26 thoughts on “Weekend Started with a Bang! (Trailer Park Tales)

    1. The full moon just left us about 2 days ago. We had to fill out an application and reference to have our trailer purchased here by the park owner. They have many rentals out here apparently not owned by the park. It would seem that their screening is probably “first and last month’s rent in advance”. Thanks for the visit and comment.

  1. Arghh!! Now I’m jumpy myself just from reading all that! And there you were, *living* it! For me, just *one* of those bits might occur once in a blue moon, but all of them?? You have really earned a Sunday off now, not to mention the rest of the week or – month! Hope you have a much more relaxing evening…

    1. I’m not as jumpy now, I wore all of that off apparently swapping TVs out. I had to get a neighbor to help me remove the plasma TV off the wall that died, it weighs about 80 lbs. The other TV Michelle and I put up in its place, only weighed about 10 lbs. Thanks for the comment Ellie.

      1. Wow, this new one is like A feather! Oops look at the time! Gotta get some shuteye! Waffles in the am with daughter and son-in-law…and 3 grand-cats. ?

  2. Those events could get anyone to fight or flight for sure. The event that your chair unlocked and dropped was funny. After all such startling events you went through, I could feel my heart stop beating all of sudden too. Get into the closet sounds like a nice advice 🙂

    1. I sure felt like the closet might be a good choice for a while there. The chair drop was funny after it was all over. Michelle had a good laugh over it. Thanks so much for the comment.

    1. Yes, that was a good one he used to say to a suspect that looked as if they were about to bolt. The only other great one I heard from a veteran cop when I first started. We had stopped a drug dealer, While interviewing the guy, he ran his hand in his pocket real fast. The older cop told him, “If you pull a weapon, I’ll drop you like a bad habit.” Thanks for the comment tonight.

    1. Believe me, I laughed to. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then your taking life too seriously. Thanks for the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

  3. What a time you had! I’ve had a few “jumpy” days in my life, and I always wanted to know why. What about the barometric pressure? Was it going haywire?

    I didn’t know about blowing a fuse on a transformer. Bet I’ve heard it many a time. When we had hurricanes and blizzards on Long Island, we’d hear mild explosions in the distance, and our power would go out. There was a transformer down the hill from our house, and it was pretty loud. Now I know why.

    1. Yes Anne, they are pretty loud. When they use the long pole to push the new fuse in place, it sometimes puts on a flashy show if it is dark. Thank you for the comment.

    1. Inside is a good place on weird days. Yes, the poor TV expired on me. Now I have to get used to the 32 inch on the wall instead of the 50 inch, until I can replace it.
      on the quote, he had another one that I mentioned to someone in a comment above. If someone acted really threatening, he’d let them know not to try it saying, “I’ll drop you like a bad habit!”
      Thanks for the visit and the comment.

  4. Trailer Park life is definitely not for me, Ron. You are doing well to keep your sanity in that madhouse. Small wonder you have CCTV surveillance.
    I had that chair problem a lot, when I worked in police communications. Different shift teams played with the chairs so much, they were liable to collapse without warning. So at the start of every shift, I used to drop my chair to the lowest level, and sit close to the floor, for twelve hours.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I guess it speaks of the times here in the US Pete, I put the cameras up when we lived out in the country after being burglarized. Now, after moving to the city, I put them up for the same reason.
      I bet that low chair was rough for 12 hours! Thanks for the comment..

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