What can I say, It’s Alabama.

I’ve had nothing to blog on, for some time now. The trailerhood has been quiet, heat and rain driving everyone indoors. This morning, I simply can’t find the words to describe my feelings. Shock? Amazement? Numb?

I am known for my lack of sympathy for others, that display stupidity. This morning, my senses were simply overloaded at the level demonstrated by one Alabama lawmaker, State Rep. Will Dismukes, a Republican from Prattville. Now, Alabama has its faults, but it is still my state, where I’ve grown up. Just like places in the US have faults, but I still claim the US as my country, and I love all the great things about it.

Imagine, having enough literacy, intelligence and perseverance to get elected to a high public office. Representative of the State of Alabama. Then, imagine having the apparent lack of the aforementioned qualities to perform and bragg about actions that are socially and politically suicidal.

A person was killed by a bad officer The country has been torn apart by riots in major cities, against anything racial, sometimes just anything, but that’s another subject. Slavery, the KKK, The Confederacy and Police are all hot topics at this point.

What kind of State Representative, would attend a birthday celebration for the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, (Nathan Bedford Forrest). Then brag about the nice time he had speaking at the celebration on social media.

He serves as the Chaplain of the Prattville Dragoons, Sons of the Confederate Veterans. The 199th Birthday Party for Nathan Bedford Forrest was listed on the association’s blog that features posts and invitations.

Source: WAFF

I understand his pride in his heritage. He has the right to post what he desires, and go where he wants. However, just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should. This was stupid, and politically suicidal, but then again, maybe he knows something we don’t. Perhaps he was elected by like-minded constituents. The Civil War, ended over for 155 Years ago. Refusing to recognize that fact, lends credence to Forrest Gump’s quote, “Stupid is, as stupid does”. Think of the good you can do, and bite your tongue when you have to. Right now, just wasn’t the right time for a rebel yell.

Now we’ll have, “Just like that, they was mad at that Grand Dragon fella”.

Source: Dismukes’ Facebook

Thanks for listening to the rant this morning.
Comments, Give em’ if you got em’.

8 thoughts on “What can I say, It’s Alabama.

  1. For an elected representative to show such blatant disregard for so many of his electorate is unacceptable, uncaring, and arrogant. Although I tend not to agree with the removal of Confederate statues and war cemeteries, life has to move on, and the KKK has to be reviled. Forrest may have been a skillful officer during that long-ago war, but his actions before and after the war are no longer accepatable in a civilised society.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I don’t agree with the removal of memorial statues in general. They have been there for generations, Christopher Columbus was history. Our world is now nuts. But to see someone that is still celebrating and participating in ages old hatred like the KKK which can be linked to skin heads who as we know, are very much Nazi leaning, is too much.

      Thanks so much, for a great comment. Pete.

  2. Yeah. There ain’t no cure for stupidity, someone once said. (Maybe me.) I wish someone (not me!) would ask him point-blank if he agrees with all the cross-burnings and lynchings perpetrated by his lovely fellow dragoons of years past. And preferably shove a microphone in front of him while he hems and haws his answer. Wouldn’t you love to hear it?

    I’m afraid that the people who elected him are just like him. Unfortunately.

    I don’t care if someone’s skin is brown, black, pink, white, purple or plaid. I don’t care if it’s all of the above, plus polka-dots. For me, what counts is character, period.

    Rant from this Canadian is over!

    1. Yes, I vote for character, not a political party. I’m just very intolerant of stupidity. I attended the Christmas Parade last year. I stood behind a guy who had his kid on his shoulders. On his hip, was a huge semi-auto pistol for the world to see. That’s his right. But just because you can, doesn’t mean a Christmas Parade is the place for a firearm in the open, to scare those that might be afraid of firearms. That is the intelligence level in this state.

      I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head, Those that elected him are of like mind.

      “Sometimes, I think if you took the brains from some of them, condensed it to gasoline, it wouldn’t power a flea’s minibike halfway around a BB”.

      Thanks for the great comment, Ellie.

      1. I so agree (re gun in the open. Although I hate to see them in the open at any time, not only at a Christmas parade. (I’m sure you know we have some decent gun control laws up here.

        “Sometimes, I think if you took the brains from some of them, condensed it to gasoline, it wouldn’t power a flea’s minibike halfway around a BB”. – Good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read this – it would’ve splashed out of my nose! LOL!

        Take care, Ron.

        1. Glad you liked the Brain qoute. I have never agreed with open carry. Especially when they go overboard and carry long arms, like rifles.

          We have good gun laws here, but the criminals ignore the laws.

  3. Thanks for that link, Janis. That is a very eye-opening report. Growing up in the 60s, I felt they were more of an intimidation tactic, than a memorializing attempt. Everyone should read that article.

    The man has been removed as pastor from his church. He was the pastor of a southern Baptist church here. They called him, and asked him to resign/leave. 🙂

    I still think he should step down from his state office, as well.

    Thank you for the engaging link, Janis.

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