Wobbly Wednesday

I am really sore this morning, I took a hard fall last night while trying to carry a bulky item out the back door, I should have asked for help. It was a table saw (minus the stand). Anyway, I landed partially on the unit with my left chest. Smashed my back on the door jamb on the left side as I tumbled half the way out the door to the concrete patio. At least I didn’t hit my face this time.  

My balance is “shot” due to my back injury, heart attack and stroke the last few years, and let’s not forget the plague (Covid-19). So, starting right now I have sworn off doing heavy complicated things, like walking and chewing gum. Or being stupid and carrying heavy bulky things through narrow openings.

As punishment for my transgression, Michelle got to say “I told you so”! While she wiped my boo boo’s with alcohol. Let’s face it, I’m not the young Viking I used to be.

I hope everyone has a nice day today. I’ll be here relaxing and waiting on the inevitable tsunami of soreness and pain that always arrives a day or two after an act of dumbness where gravity wins.

We’re halfway through this week, so stay safe, don’t carry any table saws by yourself.

35 thoughts on “Wobbly Wednesday

  1. So glad you’re still around to tell the tale Ron! I am sure we’ve all done similar. The trick is to learn from it for next time but, if my experiences are anything to go by, then the learning from it is the main challenge. 🙂

  2. I stopped trying to carry heavy things when I hit 65. It was embarrassing when they didn’t move an inch. Get well soon, even though it will be much worse tomorrow!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. You’re right, Pete. Tomorrow is here, and it is much worse. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but I am keeping the couch company and surfing the TV channels for the moment.

      1. This dialogue reminds me of yesterday. I went to pick up 3x 30kg bags of concrete mix from our local store. My brain said …. “Don’t even think about bending over and lifting them. Remember you have a lower back problem?” So I asked for help, A young girl at the Service Desk offered and, when we got to my vehicle, she effortlessly lifted them (one at a time) into the car. She was perhaps 18-20 years old, 5′ 4″ and perhaps 130lbs. I was being assisted by young lady who was younger than my grand-daughter!!!! Oh well! C’est la vie I guess 🙂

        1. That is the point I am at now, finally realizing that if I continue to do the things I do, I might break in half. Just a sign of the times, and I’m just glad to be here to see it. I bought a small platform with wheels to help move things around on the concrete patio to the shop now.

          1. Yup Ron. Recognizing our own shortcomings gives us a chance at less troublesome senior years. It is difficult (at least for me) to get one’s head around the fact that after 70 +/- years of self-sufficiency, we would really benefit at times from the current young adults helping us! 🙂

    1. I see to be incredibly resilient for my age, but I did sorta strain a muscle apparently in my lower right back. It will take longer to heal up. Other than that I count everything about average.

  3. Oh My! Glad you are OK. Hope the soreness passes quickly, I guess you should have had your Superman cape on and then maybe you wouldn’t have fallen. ?

    1. Now that’s a good idea, Joy. I may try the cape thing next time. Michelle got particular joy in the use of the alcohol wipes. She really “rubbed it in”. I guess I earned it.

  4. OUCH!! I truly sympathize!! You might want to know that yesterday I fell too. In the bedroom. Tripped on one of the bedframe’s wheels that was sticking out too far. My lovely guy hauled me up – rather embarrassing since I’m pretty sure I weigh more than he does. Sigh. Hope you feel better, Ron!!

  5. I think they should design all beds with wheels that are inset more. I continually kick my foot into the supports of our bed. I gave up counting how many times.

  6. My husband took a bad fall on ice this January, thankfully only hurting his neck not his head. But it is very hard to adjust to our bodies as they age. I have forbidden him to get on ladders. I use handrails all the time. I used to wonder why they were there.

    1. Yes, he was lucky. Those slips on ice tend to wind up with the head smacking the ground (ice). I’m glad he’s okay. Ladders are getting a bit dicey for me as well. I just don’t have the balance I used to have. Handrails, are our friends.

  7. This has been a trying year for you … if it’s not Mother Nature, it’s something else. Accidents happen so quickly and I hope you’re on the mend now. I’ve taken four falls and uneven sidewalks were the culprit for three of them. Heal up quickly!

    1. You’re right Linda, it seems I have been an accident and weather magnet. Things should smooth out soon, there are only so many calamities I can think of, that can happen. “I shouldn’t have said that” -Harry Potter

      I think there may be something about our toes as we get older. They seem to have an uncanny accuracy for finding lips and dips in uneven surfaces. I even manage to trip or stumble on level flooring, if I get too tired and weak. Take care and be careful, Linda. We don’t want anything happening to you.

      1. I agree with the toes theory and stumbling issues about getting older and they say balance is very important the older you get Thank you for saying that Ron; I do worry as it is just me and I have no family who could step in to take care of me.

          1. Thanks Ron – I do have a friend who is a former nun. She is 78 and while she is not active as much now (except for her daily walk), it is not because of getting up in years, but because COVID has restricted her. She did volunteer work almost every day of the week before COVID, like a soup kitchen in Detroit all day long, to volunteering to teach foreign born folks in her apartment building English and volunteering at a nursing home. She even took a Spanish class to enable her to speak with so many of the soup kitchen volunteers and visitors. She lives five miles away, but we don’t get together to walk as much as we should.

  8. I do things like that too, I think we all do. When we moved a few years ago I was getting tired of it and wanted to be done, so I was starting to carry more than I should and took a tumble down a flight of stairs. And right now I am healing from a fractured ankle from a recent fall so I can relate. I am so glad you didn’t break anything. Take care of yourself.

  9. Oh! That must have been painful! Wish you a full recovery and steer away clear from any more unfortunate incidents. This year has been tough already.

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