You can feel the tension, even in The Trailerhood.

The coronavirus is the talk of the news, and everyone is on edge in some areas. Down the road a couple of miles, there was an argument Saturday that resulted in a standoff with an armed individual. It was resolved without injury. Today, someone called the County Sheriff to report the park manager. Seems they didn’t appreciate him “delineating” the edge of their lot, with car tires. Can’t say I blame them. Who wants old car tires lining the edge of their yard. I wonder how that turned out. I need to take a walk in the morning, and see if I can tell what they were fussing about.

Damn, that almost sounds like a country song

The chandelier has not reappeared so far in the front yard around the corner, maybe he’s saving it for a special occasion. There was a break in today just down the highway. Someone returned home, to find persons leaving with the family TV. Perhaps the burglars needed it, to swap for toilet paper? Anyway, if you live out this way, and see two white males in a brown Ford truck, with a brush-guard on the front, trying to swap for some “people paper” please report them. (damn, that almost sounds like a country song).

The last Trailerhood Bird Flu season.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting at home unless I have to go somewhere. Not sure how much hype all this is, but I’m not prone to running across an open field during hunting season, just to see if I get my butt shot. Besides, I don’t need to upset this heart monitor they have on me. No telling what other tortures they would think up.

Take care, stay safe, wash your hands, hold your breath, avoid crowds (and open fields). Don’t shake hands, not that they haven’t washed them, but I hear there is a horrible shortage of toilet paper!

Comments, always welcome.

16 thoughts on “You can feel the tension, even in The Trailerhood.

  1. I haven’t seen any crazies here in the mountains of NC, but I’ll bet there are some. We bought the usual amount of toilet paper last week, since we were low. Yesterday we noticed that the grocery store had been WIPED (pun intended) out of TP. I sincerely hope that when we need more, the supply chain will provide it. If not, I can see us walking around, knocking on the neighbors’ doors, asking if they have any extra to sell.

  2. Sorry to hear of the quarantine, Lara. Stay safe. We are in a self-imposed quarantine, we only get out if absolutely needed, and so far, we have not seen a need. I cancelled any doctors appointments for this month, and the following month. Michelle and I have a wait and see attitude. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I caught swine flu in 2009 and survived that. But I doubt I would survive Covid-19 this time. Rumour has it that the elderly (I’m 68) will not be receiving treatment if they get the symptoms. So, maybe they will just leave me in a corner to die. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Sad statement on society, Pete. I’m 68 this year, I think my warranty is just running out. I caught the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever while in Basic Training in 1972. Quarantined and given meds. I survived, some didn’t.
      I won’t stay in the corner. Too stubborn.

  4. We are so lucky! It just happened that a week ago I noticed we were getting low on toilet paper – excuse me, bathroom tissue – so I ordered as usual from They have our favourite brand, Cottonelle, which isn’t carried in most stores anymore for some reason. Oddly I opted to order *2* cases (about 171,000 rolls each) instead of just one! This was before the craziness started, so we beat the rush! They were delivered the next day. We’re all set for at least the next week. 😉
    Hope you’re all well and stay that way! xox

  5. I wonder who the people in your park are believing–Sean Hannity or the CDC? Glad to hear that things are still in an uproar at the park.

  6. I know all this Park activity keeps you alert and active. Kind of energises you and keeps you young. I am keeping an eye on my neighbors, and watching the news. Not much to report here. Love reading your blog and living vicariously through you. Just stay safe.

  7. I’m glad you enjoy reading the blog. There are times when my grammar is horrible, but we do the best we can (depending on the medicine taken. LOL. Thanks for the comment.

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