Washing Machine Of Nightmares

Tonight started off pretty good, I watched some news and just relaxed on the couch. Then something possessed me to be productive while the Wife was out with the Daughter. I retrieved a load of dirty clothes from the closet and made my way to the Wash Room. En-route I remembered the last week of battling with the Washer from Hell.

The main bearing on the drum (top load) is about gone. In the spin cycle it sounds like a fighter jet on a Carrier revving for take off. Reminds me of the urinal in some restrooms that should have a warning to wear hearing protection when flushing them.

The thing had already bestowed upon me a flood of water in the washroom last week when the level sensor lost it’s mind, over-filling the wash tub and dumped the excess water out the overflow pipe, which just so happens to go nowhere but in the bottom pan of the washer. That’s some real engineering. I started to stop by the storeroom and don a life jacket, but figured I would be on the couch during the wash cycle and it couldn’t hurt me there. There have been instances where washers disintegrated catastrophically when the drums failed in the spin cycle.

Washer disintegrates

As it turns out, I have a load of very clean clothes, because the monster decided it would not spin them out without trying 3 spin cycles. Then I had to feed the thing 3 items at the time to get the spin going, since it has a “brain” and detects unbalance or too much drag on the drum (due to the worn bearing) and activates the brakes on the tub. So a 30-min wash has taken 3 hours and I think I’m deaf on one side now. I know my nerves are shot. I’m going to replace that thing with something a bit more docile and QUIET!!

Time to rest now, as I feel like I washed a large load of clothes down by a creek on a rock somewhere.

Comments welcome,

4 thoughts on “Washing Machine Of Nightmares

  1. Had problems with our washer a while back, so I understand. Used the building washer for weeks at $1.75 a load, till they got to know me as a regular at the bank. (I’ll get you some quarters, sir.)
    Finally broke down ad bought the cheapest washer at the local appliance dealer- $440. Worth ever penny though.

  2. I have a wash board and wringer, if you’re interested. They work wonderfully! I lived here for 18 months without a washing machine…


      1. LOL! They are very inexpensive comparatively… And rarely ever break down! Plus you get the added bonus of a good workout!

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