Saturday in the South

Sunset tonight

The day was a pretty good day all in all. The temperature topped out at 73F with a good breeze all day, and sunshine. I did get the grass mowed and helped weed the tiny garden.

No day that looks this good can be completely devoid of a speed-bump or two. Sitting here this morning checking my server as I always do around 7am. There was the unmistakable smell of something  burning, or very hot. In about another minute there was a very low, short, hiss from the 22″ monitor to my left and the screen went dark. In a moment the power button started blinking.

Sometimes I think electronics run on some type of special smoke. It seems that anytime the smoke escapes from a component, it ceases working. Long story short, a capacitor in the power supply of the monitor had over heated from age (10 years) and burned out.  I replaced the monitor with a spare 19 inch.

I decided the day would be perfect for a motorcycle ride, but the battery on the Harley was dead. We don’t ride it much at all, and I had neglected to keep a trickle charger on it to keep the battery in a well charged state. The battery is nearly 5 years old so I guess it led a long enough life, but it will have to be replaced since it no longer holds a recharge.

I visited many blogs today and read some great posts, that balanced out the speed-bumps. I do hope everyone is having a good Saturday night. Stay safe and keep blogging!

Comments welcome,

13 thoughts on “Saturday in the South

  1. Our Saturday was low-key and most enjoyable. It was 32 degrees when we walked to the creek. Before you feel sorry for us, I’ll tell you we like cold weather. It’s more humane than steamy summer. I caught up on messages while John finished planning the Sunday School lesson he is teaching tomorrow. Ah! Retirement!

    1. Retirement is good. I miss work sometimes, but if I stand still long enough it passes. I like the Fall when the temp stays below 70. I don’t care for the hot humid weather we have. Thanks for the comment this evening.

  2. It sounds as if all things electric were conspiring against you, Ron!
    I have a very old Dell 15″ monitor, that has served me (and the friend who gave it to me) very well. I will be checking it for smoke now…
    Vehicle batteries prefer to be used. I rarely drive my car these days, (and I never miss work!) so I wasn’t surprised when the battery went dead last year. I got a new one with a five-year guarantee. It might last that long…
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. It seems that way Pete, I knew better than not keep a charge on it, so now I pay the price from my negligence. I love how the warranties on new batteries seldom last. The older batteries were the best, you could get 8 years sometimes. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Well, your Saturday was more interesting than mine, I slept through so I could work the night shift and now it is Sunday! Today though, John and I are going to go fishing for a couple of hours. First time this spring.

    1. Good luck on the fishing! Michelle wants us to go, and if I don’t get on the ball and take us, I will end up in the dog-house for a while. She loves to fish. Thanks for dropping in and sharing your comment.

      1. It is so relaxing, you will both enjoy it, go but make sure it is warmer that yesterday was. I got myself a bit wet, so I was cold. I have to learn not to drop scoops of water on myself while paddling!

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