Trailer Park Insanity

It’s Saturday Feb 18th, it’s not a holiday of any type but there are fireworks going off just down the street. Max our German Shepard for all his bluster and ferociousness freaks out when he hears fireworks.

I had to wonder why they would decide to fire them off out of season, but then the bigger question popped in my head of where were they getting them. No stores open selling them that I know of as it is a seasonal thing. Maybe they were cleaning from a party last night and discovered them under the couch or bed, left over from July 4th or Christmas or whatever they decide is an appropriate day to scare the bejesus out of everyone.

Maybe they are re-enacting some twisted dream

It could be the unit down the street where the Confederate Flag flies. I never have been able to wrap my head around the reasoning of Flying that flag in the yard much less your vehicle. Maybe they are re-enacting some dream of the South rising again brought on my too many cans of liquid spirit, or Captain Budweiser as we like to say. Either way we close an otherwise quiet Saturday with a bang. At least they aren’t partying loud and should run out of the newly discovered pyrotechnics shortly.

Comments welcome,

Freaky Friday in the Trailer Park

Well, last week was quiet as days in a Trailer Park go, ever since the owner kicked a few people out it has been sort of quiet. That changed early today with the County Sheriff Deputies rolling quickly into the park. There were two cars and apparently they had a warrant for someone but did not find them.

A few moments ago an Ambulance was called to that same address for difficulty breathing. There is hardly ever any quiet nights on the weekend, but that is what Trailer Park Life is. A hodge podge of people living near one another with multiple personalities to contend with. The ones down the road that had the knife fight in the front yard were evicted and run off by the owner of the Park.

I’m just glad we have good neighbors around us. This is my first ever experience living in a Park other than a short stint when I was a young Police Officer and roomed with another Officer, and it will be my last. I guess it’s time for me to do some more video editing while the house is quiet and nothing going on.

Tomorrow may be an interesting day.

Messy Start to a New Year

Well, 2017 is here as off yesterday and this is the first weekday of the new year. It has rained for the last 3 days. This is December but it is 65F and has been for the last 3 days. Thunder and lightning outside at the moment with rain pouring down. It’s a messy way to start a new year.

Power is coming and going and the UPS’s are keeping things running smoothly here in the Depot Forum office. As long as no tornadoes show up we will be good to go.

Rain is coming down now at 1.93 inches per hour. Let’s hope it stops after this hour or I’ll need to dig out the plans for the Ark.

Scanner reports a vehicle wreck out on the Interstate about even with us. They say the vehicle is off and in the trees. Someone going too fast for the conditions. We always said that this area was a place of “Instant Idiots, just add water”.

“A Hard Day” is relative.

Ever think about how hard your day is going. I was having one such day about two months ago when I noticed at the back of our lot in the ‘neutral zone” outside our fence the local helper cleaning out the septic tank. Or what our landlord of the trailer park calls his version of cleaning it out. He has this poor fellow scrape just enough off the top to allow it to function another year.

No gloves, no face mask and getting paid a whopping $60 to use a pick and shovel and crowbar to dig up the lid by himself and shovel poop off the top into the back of the Trailer Park pickup truck to be hauled off to who knows where and dumped. The poor guy shovels, shudders, stifles back throwing up and jerks uncontrollably from the smell (frame stutter is from the webcam) and digs some more as I watch. I kept waiting for the cigarette he was smoking to set off drifting methane gas but it didn’t happen thank goodness. Imagine where all that gunk would have gone!

It must take a special kind of cheap to enlist another human being to do such a thing to save money on a real septic cleaning service.

So on your next “Hard Day” drop back by here and check him out. You just might get a new perspective.

Comments welcome,