Closing a long day, with something beautiful.


Storm clouds brewing.

It has been a long day, a busy day sort of. It was a great day though. I really can’t complain when it seems long, it just means I got to spend more time of life in a single day. I worked around the house, I tried to watch TV but it was dull, and news was the same thing they have been espousing all week.


Most of the day I spent just playing around on the computer. I tried all sorts of things to fix a vexing problem with a program. Then right at the end of about 9 hours of reading web pages, and adding subtracting programs that might be interfering, I realized the problem was the occupant of the chair at the keyboard. Face-palm moment as I read the words in a tech post where someone had ticked a box by mistake. I then remembered doing it the other day. Nothing like a senior moment!

I finished up and visited all the blogs that I follow that had new content. They are always a source of pleasure. Now, I must await a storm that is bearing down on us this evening and hope that I don’t lose any shingles. The picture above is of the weird cloud formation that was steadily marching this way.

Have a great night.

27 thoughts on “Closing a long day, with something beautiful.

  1. Oops.. didn’t quite finish that… I hope you don’t get any bad storms tonight! We had bad storms yesterday. Lots of clouds today but no rain yet.

  2. That sounds like just about anything that I do with a computer, Ron!
    We had almost 14 hours of torrential rain. It looks like it might have stopped for a while, but those dark clouds are gathering again.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. May be the rain will stop completely for a while Pete. That, or you may have to dig out the instructions for an Ark. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Me too, I love to listen to the thunder and watch the lightning, as long as it isn’t tearing something up. I enjoy a nice easy storm. Your right Rooster, you can’t see the bad stuff coming in these areas. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you liked it. I love seeing the strange ones from time to time. The storm rolled through with no problem thank goodness. Thanks for the comment.

    1. I didn’t think Michelle was going to stop laughing and grinning at me. We need rain, but we certainly don’t need damage. Thanks for the like and comment today!

  3. Ron
    I am glad you write even when you are busy.
    I like your life observations as well as your computer tips and experiences with gadgets.
    i am glad you found the root cause of the issue that was bothering you.

  4. That IS a face-palm moment, AND a senior moment! Two moments in one! Ay yi. I can so relate, Ron! Hope the storm wasn’t too bad. Thanks for the post!

  5. After about ten times of not being able to get on the internet and finding the problem, I finally remember to check a little switch on the side of the laptop that gets moved very easily without my knowing it. A better learning curve for me would be handy.

    1. I’ve done that before on another laptop I had. I bumped the switch one day, (didn’t even know it was there) it took me over an hour to figure it out. Thanks for the comment.

  6. I always find something to smile about in your posts, thank you.

    Glad you found a solution, but now I am curious about the problem. My computer has been running slowly lately, only for MSWord. It’s behaving as if there is not enough memory. Ever since a recent Windows update… I can’t help but wonder, did I agree to something unwittingly?

    1. Thanks Maggie, I try to keep it lighthearted when I can.

      On the windows update, it could be that the system may need defragging. That will sometimes cause a slow down. Or you may have too many things starting up when you boot up. 🙂
      Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it.

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