Halfway through the week, will I survive? Sure I will.

I was seeking a really upbeat post for today. I wanted something bright and cheerful, after all the day hasn’t been all “that” bad. I’m alive, a lovely wife and great friends on and offline. Weather was unseasonably nice for a February. We observed some sunshine and enjoyed a high of 82F so life is good.

The day had a couple of hiccups but they were minor for a midweek run.   After last night’s impromptu workout session, I crawled into bed around midnight anticipating a great day come morning.

Some people have trouble getting up in the mornings. My wife is not a morning person but I get on up early around 5-6 AM if properly motivated. This morning I was properly motivated. There is no wake up call more effective than the sound of a dog, large or small, throwing up on the carpet or heaven forbid in the bed with you. I came wide awake at 5 AM to that very sound. There are times that I have wondered why they don’t make that sound an option for a bedside alarm clock for animal owners that are hard to wake in the mornings. Fortunately the small Dog that was on the bed at my feet was just retching, so out we go in my PJ’s to take her outside.

Around noon being bored and wanting to at least feel I had accomplished something for the day I started work on Michelle’s ASUS tablet that has a charging problem. I am normally very careful, but this time I forgot to check for the tiny micro sd card and remove it prior to removing the cover from the device. The card snapped with a small but sickening sound. I would rather have taken a beating than tell her. At least there is a backup of it on the main computer. She was pretty understanding about it. and I was feeling a little better. Right up to the moment I took those 2 swallows of sour/spoiled Tea.

I’m alive and that’s what counts. It’s Hump Day and were downhill to the weekend from here!

Comments always welcome,

8 thoughts on “Halfway through the week, will I survive? Sure I will.

    1. Thanks Michael, I think it will. Going to take a break tonight and start in the morning. I think I have everything working again but the Arcade. Still trying to repair a few files there.

  1. I have been retired since 2001 and I still find Friday nights and the weekends, especially Sunday, to be special. Sunday because I still cook a Sunday comfort food dinner… I am all about FOOD! I hope the computer repair goes well today!
    Good Morning!

    1. We enjoy having Sunday meals also. The computer work went okay and I enjoyed a the rest of my Wednesday.
      Thanks so much for the comment!

      1. Oh, and I clicked the link to your forum this morning. I have been missing a good chat forum with some help on all things computer, some humor, and a place to meet people. I will be reading there this afternoon.

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