My menu settings for the Gutenberg Editor.

After realizing many are still struggling with the block editor intimidation factor, I created a video tutorial that I hope will help some get started. Having a familiar or standard layout of things you use often is the first step in getting comfortable learning. These are the basic menu settings I use, to lessen the overwhelming options in the block editor.

If you like the video, please like and subscribe to the channel. That way you will get notifications of future videos. I may make more tutorials based on the feedback and questions left here, or in the YouTube video comments.

If this helped you, please let me know.

Comments or questions always welcome.

Found some old news about the classic block.

This was done back in 2020, but it may help, or help explain to those wishing to try to mimic the old classic editor. Check out this link.

Hopefully it will help those that want to continue with the classic editor. I have about resigned myself to the Gutenbug (pun intended) block editor. I find navigating it not nearly as challenging as in the early adoption of it. However, I am still vexed by the constant shifting of blocks, and having to hunt them down when they should by all logic, be at the ready if I used them last. Maybe it’s a cookie setting, but I’ve had no problems of that sort a few updates ago.

Take a look at the post, it may be outdated by now, we all know how fast they change plans and minds. Let me know if it helped you at all, or if you found it is dated already.

Comments welcome.

Busy week. Rescued Kittens, Hawk attacks Weather Rock installation.

Terror from above

The week started off with a bang, or should we say a swoop. Gizmo, our male Chihuahua was in the backyard doing his business. Max the German Shepard was out there with him to supposedly ward off any sky born predators we have. Max began barking aggressively, and I went to check on them. Gizmo was not in the backyard. I went to the front where he is sometimes found running around if he finds a way out of the yard. He was on the porch at the door quivering. I noticed a spot on his side, and figured he had punctured his skin getting out of the fence.

Closer inspection would reveal a long tear in his skin. No large amount of blood loss, but a large long clean looking tear or cut. We rushed him to the Vet, had him sewn up and he was home the next day. We told the vet that the injury may have been caused by the top of the chain link fence. She asked if we lived in the city or county. She stated that it looked more like an injury from a large bird such as a hawk. We have plenty of those. There was a puncture to the flesh where the injury started, but just the slice or tear upwards from that. The vet thinks he was grabbed, but was too heavy to hold, and it ripped his first layer of skin from the super sharp talons of one foot of the hawk. That would explain why he came straight to the front porch and got close to the door, instead of running the yard exploring as he usually does. He’s doing fine now and on medication, if we can just keep him still, as he is straining the stitches.

Smitten with Kittens

The week would also discover a kitten in a non-operational pickup truck across the street that has lumber and parts in the bed. We have rescued it, and it is healthy and happy. The mother cat, had disappeared for two weeks, someone must have caught and carried her off, and she just returned after the recent storm. We then discovered another kitten. After checking with the neighbors of the area, we were told they had seen five kittens initially with the mother by a shed. They think a large owl that lives across the road may have carried off the other three, before they were moved by the mother to the bed of the truck, under the lumber.


“Midnight”, or Rottie mix has decided they need motherly love. She is actually producing milk like a false pregnancy. She sits at the puppy gate in the living room, and whines till we let her in for a moment to clean on them and roll them around with her big nose. Maybe she’s just checking to make sure they haven’t lost any parts. She hasn’t allowed them to nurse though.

Weather Rock Time

I’ve grown tired of the inaccurate forecast of the paid talking heads on the weather stations locally. After some joking on the general discussion forum, I decided to install my own Weather Rock. This is the resulting post on The Country Depot.

I’ve gotten tired of the forecasts by the paid Weather Guessers changing every few minutes to the hour. I think I can do as good as they do now days. So with that in mind, I have installed a micro mini Weather Rock here at home (The Country Depot Forum). We even have some fancy initials for it. TCDFWR.

Weather Rock (TCDFWR)
Manufactured by: Mother Nature.
Location: The Country Depot Forum  Millbrook, Al. USA
Over 1 million years of accurate service.
Dependable and weather resistant, will last a lifetime.
Various sizes available. This is the micro mini version. Larger one supported by twine or rope on order.
Easily replaceable.
Disclaimer: Although much more accurate for up-to-the-minute conditions than a paid “Weather Guesser”. The Weather Rock should not be relied upon for long range predictions.
Note: Accuracy based on location of installation and mounting methods.

Weather Rock Indicators as installed in this location.

Dry: No Rain
Wet: Heavy dew/light rain.
Dripping wet: moderate to heavy rain.
Sparkling appearance: Temp below 32F or frost
Soft white coating: Snow. (or bird droppings)
Repelling hard shiny objects from above: Hail.
Icy covering: Ice storm conditions.
Rock Movement Perceptible in any direction: Heavy winds
Rock Missing: Possible Tornado. Or as we call them, “Naders”.
Rock covered by house debris: Refer to “Naders” above.
Rock and mount missing: It’s all over.
Dark shade on rock/contrast with background: Clear Skies.
Rock changes from bright to dark: Partly cloudy.
Rock still dark 1 hour after sunrise: Very Cloudy/Overcast.

Manual tactile indicators
Rock Warm: Pleasant Temperatures
Rock Hot to touch: Hot as H**l
Rock very cold: Yea. It’s cold.
Rock melting: Global warming apocalypse?


So, how has your week been? Stay safe. Comments always welcome.

Wobbly Wednesday

I am really sore this morning, I took a hard fall last night while trying to carry a bulky item out the back door, I should have asked for help. It was a table saw (minus the stand). Anyway, I landed partially on the unit with my left chest. Smashed my back on the door jamb on the left side as I tumbled half the way out the door to the concrete patio. At least I didn’t hit my face this time.  

My balance is “shot” due to my back injury, heart attack and stroke the last few years, and let’s not forget the plague (Covid-19). So, starting right now I have sworn off doing heavy complicated things, like walking and chewing gum. Or being stupid and carrying heavy bulky things through narrow openings.

As punishment for my transgression, Michelle got to say “I told you so”! While she wiped my boo boo’s with alcohol. Let’s face it, I’m not the young Viking I used to be.

I hope everyone has a nice day today. I’ll be here relaxing and waiting on the inevitable tsunami of soreness and pain that always arrives a day or two after an act of dumbness where gravity wins.

We’re halfway through this week, so stay safe, don’t carry any table saws by yourself.