The official declaration was slow coming this year. Christmas is marked by regular events, for many. Ours was officially started this morning. Reboot, my dear cat and purveyor of all associated with my man-cave. Marked the occasion by barfing a wad of tinsel onto the carpet, along with whatever else is included in such expulsions. Christmas, is here..
We put a tree up this year, just not enough Ho-Ho-Ho spirit to string the lights outside, no stockings hanging over the fireplace. Michelle likes to decorate, but she just isn’t feeling it this year. With the Griswolds visiting, and having to make a decision to maybe place her mother in a home after the holidays.
There is more spirit in the TrailerHood though, we do have one home out of the 40, that has outside inflatable items that are on at night. Maybe there is hope for the world.
Then again, I look out my window and see the Christmas Bows on the mail boxes out front. These are courtesy of the same people, that pay some down on their luck soul $60 to scoop out septic tank waste, into a pickup truck and dump it on someone else’s land. Intolerant of any other religion, support rebel flags, and offer $10 a head bounty on any stray cats you shoot or poison. All between church functions.
Then I think back and smile. Fun memories of the Christmas that it snowed hard, Johnny Reb racing through the snow like a nine-year old on his electric wheel chair, almost running into the concrete ditch out front. Johnny Reb later going to jail for vacation. Then the Summer, that they harassed the guy in the small trailer that occasionally had black friends visit. They charged him twice for not cutting his grass quickly. He sprayed his yard with a special formula that stunted and browned the grass, but didn’t kill it completely. The time they got caught and fined by EPA, for dumping human waste on someones land. Yes, the smallest things can bring joy when you remember them.
So I recline on my couch resting my warm socked feet on the coffee table, and watch as my wife’s Great Dane, comes through the living room, dragging one of the Griswold’s wiener dogs by its chest harness. A little blue tab of its built-in poop bag sticking up from its harness container like a decoration. Yes, life is good.
So have a Merry Christmas and remember, you’re alive and can enjoy it with loved ones. Now, I must go and fix my coffee and empty the pitcher that should now be full, from the roof leak.
Comments always welcome,
May you (and the Griswolds) have a great holiday!
Thanks, Kate. Merry Christmas to all of you.
A delightful reminiscence, Ron. Glad to hear the Great Dane has worked out how to deal with the little dogs. 🙂
Enjoy what you can of it, my friend.
Best wishes, Pete.
I pray for peace and good will in the trailerhood with a commented Ron in the middle of it all. Love to you and Michele.
Thanks, Anne, Merry Christmas to you and your household.
When you make me laugh out loud (as you did here), I want to send you a wad of cash. This world needs more of you, Ron. Much more. and Merry Happy Everything.
My wad of cash, is meeting all of you, and having one person enjoy a smile from a post.
I love the EPA fine! Perfect trailer tale.
That was my favorite as well. Sorry for the late response, I have been busy rebuilding the software on my computer.
Better that than the deck.
Ah, Ron. I’m bummed by the cat bounty. But I perk up imagining the sound of your Great Dane’s claws pattering and tapping along the floor of your trailer. But then I’m bummed again by your description of your dumb neighbours. But then I’m positively jolly again when I think of you sitting there typing away, dreaming up these sly descriptions of them, the blissfully unaware folks around you. Haha!
Thanks, Ellie. I really enjoy trying to put a nice description to stick to the characters here. The Griswolds are still here and I have been busy rebuilding the software on my computer. Its been 4 years, so I thought maybe a fresh start would make me feel better. That, was a undertaking.
Glad your computer stuff helps keep you amused and challenged! Have a great week – and Happy New Year to you and Michelle!!